Bob's longest streak is 35 goos.

Bob has solved goos in 42 categories of the game.

Bob solved these 131 goos: Billy Blanks, Scott J. Horowitz, Chris Webber, show all »Billy Blanks, Scott J. Horowitz, Chris Webber, John Edwards, Brian Chontosh, Hua Mulan, Bobby Brown, Cindy Crawford, Michelle Wie, Chris Martin, R. Lee Ermey, Paul Rusesabagina, Noam Chomsky, Deep Blue, Florence Nightingale, Hyman Rickover, Pete Rose, Pete Townshend, Bernadette Peters, J. Peterman, Laci Peterson, Peter J. Peters, Peter Pan, Karl Rove, Nadia Comaneci, Voltaire, Raven-Symoné, Cindy Sheehan, Elizabeth Vargas, Emeril Lagasse, Clarence 'Gatemouth' Brown, E.J. Bellocq, Marie Laveau, Jim Garrison, Mahalia Jackson, Rhonda Shear, Ralph Gilles, Aaron Burr, Elizabeth II, George S. Patton, Flying Spaghetti Monster, Kodee Kennings, Seabiscuit, Howard Stern, Domino Harvey, Ray Nagin, Nick Nolte, Cybill Shepherd, Jack Nicholson, Brody Dalle, Dennis Rodman, Cameron Diaz, Sid Meier, Junichiro Koizumi, Chris Moneymaker, Ann Coulter, Edmund Hillary, Marcus Dixon, George Washington, William Russ, Heinrich Himmler, Melissa Gilbert, Melissa Cross, Angelina Jolie, Dick Cheney, Donovan McNabb, Eva Longoria, Katie Couric, King Arthur, Natalie Portman, Lorena Bobbitt, Dan Brown, Ariel Sharon, Tenzin Gyatso, Bobby Fischer, Missy Elliott, Dr. Seuss, Bob Dylan, John Nash, Benjamin Franklin, Lily Tomlin, Frank Abagnale Jr., LeBron James, Theodore Kaczynski, Sharon Stone, Matt Stone, Stone Phillips, Rock Hudson, Stone Gossard, Lucy Stone, The Rock, Keith Richards, Faith Evans, Guy Fawkes, Valerie Plame, Kevin Smith, Ravi Shankar, Orlando Bloom, Huey P. Newton, Marilyn Chambers, Pat Robertson, Nora Roberts, Anita Hill, Oscar Wilde, Teri Hatcher, Alan Rickman, Satan, Marcia Clark, Don Henley, Tina Louise, Martina Navrátilová, Charles M. Schulz, Sandra Day O'Connor, Christina Aguilera, Dracula, Joe Paterno, Diane Sawyer, Allegra Coleman, George Clooney, Ang Lee, Truman Capote, June Carter Cash, Edward R. Murrow, Lois Jenson, Wolfgang Puck, Bode Miller, Scarlett Johansson, Yakov Smirnoff, Katie Holmes, Doris Miller, and George Bush.

Bob played in these rounds: Round XXV (4 goos solved of 105), Round XXVI (59 goos solved of 110), and Round XXVII (68 goos solved of 103).

We have a winner!

The April 2024 round is over, and the winner is...