Christine has won the game 1 time:
Round XXII on June 3, 2004

Christine's longest streak is 28 goos.

Christine has solved goos in 45 categories of the game.

Christine has played 1 perfect round:
Round XXII on June 3, 2004

Christine solved these 212 goos: David Bowie, Frank Herbert, Tori Amos, show all »David Bowie, Frank Herbert, Tori Amos, Jan-Michael Vincent, Abraham Lincoln, Oprah Winfrey, Ewan McGregor, Timothy McVeigh, Kate Winslet, Godzilla, Michael Chabon, Alanis Morissette, Brad Pitt, John Deere, Douglas Adams, Helen Keller, Kelly Clarkson, Ashton Kutcher, Maria Montessori, Johnny Cash, Lance Armstrong, Nick Drake, Steven Spielberg, Tina Turner, Monica Lewinsky, Alex Kingston, Tara Lipinski, Elizabeth Smart, Strong Bad, Tibor Kalman, Michael Jackson, Carl Sagan, Paris Hilton, Penélope Cruz, Sarah McLachlan, Karrie Webb, Saddam Hussein, Linus Torvalds, Takeshi Kaga, Countess Bathory, Agatha Christie, Pelé, Biruté Galdikas, Winnie Mandela, Shakira, Mathieu Kassovitz, Heinz Guderian, Elsa Benítez, Cleopatra, Yao Ming, Roald Amundsen, Roman Polanski, King Sunny Ade, Kobe Bryant, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, Jeb Bush, God, M. Night Shyamalan, Annie Leibovitz, Barbara Kingsolver, Aileen Wuornos, Sigmund Freud, Ken Jennings, Jessica Lynch, John Kerry, Connie Chung, Ben Stein, Sarah Ferguson, Debbi Fields, Pac-Man, Jack Hanna, Shirley Ann Jackson, David Blaine, Jennifer Garner, Attila the Hun, T.D. Jakes, Amy Tan, Meryl Streep, Alberto Gonzales, Robin Quivers, William Shatner, Ann Landers, Joe Clark, William Wallace, Miguel Tejada, Mark Hamill, Tupac Shakur, Jane Austen, Rudy Giuliani, Estée Lauder, Homer Simpson, Carmen Miranda, King Hussein, Shania Twain, Mira Nair, Steve Jobs, Anna Pavlova, W. Axl Rose, Renée Cox, Pope John Paul II, Mae Jemison, Sigourney Weaver, Dennis Tito, Arthur C. Clarke, Barney Hill, Laika, Wil Wheaton, Kofi Annan, Ben Curtis, Kate Moss, Che Guevara, Kelly Slater, Pamela Anderson, Gurinder Chadha, Margaret Thatcher, King Abdullah II, Alex Rodriguez, Twiggy, Kim Jong-il, Yasser Arafat, Max Casella, Jada Pinkett Smith, Avril Lavigne, John McCain, Ayn Rand, Ashley Judd, Gene Roddenberry, Karl Marx, Elvis Presley, Veronica Guerin, Jaime Escalante, Jan Stephenson, Edward Norton, General Tso, Tommy Chong, Lisa Beamer, Johnny Carson, Hironobu Sakaguchi, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Tipper Gore, Salvador Dalí, Kate Jackson, Jack Kevorkian, Eva Perón, Fabio, Isadora Duncan, Ben Affleck, Gollum, Chuck Woolery, Ray Charles, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gwen Stefani, Tyler Perry, Suze Orman, Aishwarya Rai, Chris Rock, Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, Howard Hughes, Will Wright, Beyoncé Knowles, Pancho Villa, Donald Trump, Woody Allen, Dick Clark, Alicia Keys, Bernhard Goetz, Spider-Man, Dan Rather, Courtney Love, Lance Ito, Regina King, Hideto Takarai, Fox Mulder, Margaret Brown, Anna Quindlen, James Brown, Hermann Rorschach, Heather O'Rourke, Bob Vila, Kylie Minogue, Kozo, Adolf Hitler, Patty Hearst, Amadou Diallo, Mariah Carey, Brett Favre, Michael Moore, Rachael Ray, Bruce Willis, Ruth Westheimer, Regis Philbin, Salma Hayek, MC Hammer, Hamid Karzai, Dolly, River Phoenix, Eminem, Danica Patrick, Sarah Jessica Parker, Deepak Chopra, Alan Dershowitz, M.C. Escher, Janet Jackson, Antonio Villaraigosa, Sun Tzu, John Cusack, Angelina Jolie, Dick Cheney, Lucille Ball, Katherine Heigl, Anne Hathaway, and Don Ho.

Christine played in these rounds: Round XIV (4 goos solved of 14), Round XV (7 goos solved of 22), Round XVI (1 goos solved of 7), Round XVII (3 goos solved of 28), Round XX (7 goos solved of 19), Round XXI (11 goos solved of 18), Round XXII (20 goos solved of 20, a perfect score), Round XXIII (11 goos solved of 20), Round XXIV (86 goos solved of 113), Round XXV (46 goos solved of 105), Round XXVI (10 goos solved of 110), Round XXVII (2 goos solved of 103), and Round XXIX (4 goos solved of 107).

We have a winner!

The April 2024 round is over, and the winner is...