Jackie had the highest score in one round of the live goo game at GooCon: Citrus Ridge in 2009.

Jackie's longest streak is 15 goos.

Jackie has solved goos in 46 categories of the game.

Jackie created these 3 goos: Attila the Hun, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Aaron Burr.

Jackie solved these 304 goos: Alanis Morissette, Serena Williams, Anthony Hopkins, show all »Alanis Morissette, Serena Williams, Anthony Hopkins, Jane Goodall, Erykah Badu, Laura Bush, Jackson Pollock, Priscilla Presley, Hugh Hefner, Coretta Scott King, Brad Pitt, Anne Frank, Nicole Kidman, Rosa Parks, Christa McAuliffe, Jennifer Aniston, Ashton Kutcher, Johnny Cash, Lance Armstrong, Joseph Cornell, Kai Krause, Steven Spielberg, Tina Turner, Monica Lewinsky, Alex Kingston, Michael Jackson, Paris Hilton, Penélope Cruz, Saddam Hussein, Takeshi Kaga, Agatha Christie, Shakira, Cleopatra, Yao Ming, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, Jeb Bush, God, M. Night Shyamalan, Annie Leibovitz, Sigmund Freud, Ken Jennings, John Kerry, Connie Chung, Ben Stein, Sarah Ferguson, David Blaine, Jennifer Garner, Amy Tan, Meryl Streep, Robin Quivers, William Shatner, Ann Landers, Wanda Sykes, William Wallace, Jane Austen, Rudy Giuliani, Estée Lauder, Homer Simpson, Carmen Miranda, Shania Twain, Steve Jobs, Anna Pavlova, W. Axl Rose, Renée Cox, Pope John Paul II, Mae Jemison, Sigourney Weaver, Kofi Annan, Ben Curtis, Pamela Anderson, Twiggy, Kim Jong-il, Avril Lavigne, John McCain, Ashley Judd, Elvis Presley, Edward Norton, Tommy Chong, Johnny Carson, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Tipper Gore, Jack Kevorkian, Eva Perón, Fabio, Liz Phair, Gollum, Ray Charles, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gwen Stefani, Tyler Perry, Aishwarya Rai, Chris Rock, Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, Howard Hughes, Beyoncé Knowles, Donald Trump, Woody Allen, Alicia Keys, Babe Ruth, Spider-Man, Dan Rather, Courtney Love, Lance Ito, Regina King, Hideto Takarai, Fox Mulder, Margaret Brown, James Brown, Heather O'Rourke, Bob Vila, Kylie Minogue, Adolf Hitler, Mariah Carey, Lil Jon, Clive Cussler, Lisa Marie Presley, Paula Abdul, Napoléon Bonaparte, Brett Favre, Dr. Demento, Michael Moore, Rachael Ray, Bruce Willis, Ruth Westheimer, Christopher Columbus, Selena Quintanilla, Britney Spears, Will Smith, Jennifer Wilbanks, Béla Fleck, Anna Ayala, Regis Philbin, Salma Hayek, Bob Woodward, MC Hammer, Hamid Karzai, Dolly, Kristen Bell, Dave Chappelle, Billy Blanks, Chris Webber, J. Edgar Hoover, Eminem, Danica Patrick, Annabel Chong, Howard Dean, M.C. Escher, Janet Jackson, Maggie Smith, Antonio Villaraigosa, Sun Tzu, Goldie Hawn, Hua Mulan, Bobby Brown, Michelle Wie, Florence Nightingale, Pete Rose, Pete Townshend, Bernadette Peters, J. Peterman, Laci Peterson, Peter Pan, Karl Rove, Nadia Comaneci, Voltaire, Raven-Symoné, Emeril Lagasse, Marie Laveau, Jim Garrison, Rhonda Shear, Elizabeth II, George S. Patton, Kodee Kennings, Seabiscuit, Ray Nagin, Nick Nolte, Cybill Shepherd, Jack Nicholson, Dennis Rodman, Cameron Diaz, George Washington, John Edward, Angelina Jolie, Dick Cheney, Donovan McNabb, Katie Couric, Benjamin Franklin, The Rock, Orlando Bloom, Pat Robertson, Anita Hill, Oscar Wilde, Alan Rickman, Satan, Marcia Clark, Charles M. Schulz, Sandra Day O'Connor, Snoop Dogg, Laila Ali, Drew Barrymore, Timothy Treadwell, Steve Bartman, Joseph Stalin, Irina Slutskaya, Yakov Smirnoff, Katie Holmes, George Bush, Johnny Depp, Jessica Simpson, Floyd Landis, Mel Gibson, Andrea Yates, Star Jones Reynolds, Phil McGraw, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Jesse James, Geronimo, Wyatt Earp, Ellen DeGeneres, Fidel Castro, Channing Tatum, Quincy Jones, Kirsten Dunst, Jackie Mason, Steve Irwin, Bob Marley, Faith Hill, Vince Papale, Natascha Kampusch, Jerry Seinfeld, Salman Rushdie, Paul Reubens, Kenneth Lay, Anna Nicole Smith, Charlize Theron, Barack Obama, Kristi Yamaguchi, Heidi Klum, Wentworth Miller, Lance Bass, Keira Knightley, Tamara Hoover, Galileo Galilei, Niccolò Machiavelli, Maria Sharapova, Bigfoot, Suri Cruise, Santa Claus, Tom Hanks, Judith Regan, Tara Conner, Common, Ozzy Osbourne, Pope Benedict XVI, Lucille Ball, Michael Schumacher, Blake Ross, Anne Hathaway, Tia Carrere, Don Ho, Jack Lord, Nancy Pelosi, Wesley Autrey, Thom Yorke, David Koresh, Howie Mandel, Hilary Duff, Charo, Daniel Radcliffe, Eddie Murphy, Cate Blanchett, Jennifer Hudson, Martin Scorsese, Sacha Baron Cohen, Kevin James, Peyton Manning, Giada De Laurentiis, Saul Bass, Jimmy Dean, Wilt Chamberlain, Goo, Lindsay Lohan, David Letterman, Yolanda King, Enya, Tobey Maguire, Knut, Thomas Edison, Stephen Colbert, Sam Walton, Dale Earnhardt, Anne Geddes, Seung-Hui Cho, Taylor Swift, Alfred Kinsey, Asia Carrera, Don Imus, John Belushi, R. Kelly, John Wayne Gacy, John Travolta, Matt Damon, Richard Nixon, and Roseanne Barr.

Jackie played in these rounds: Round XVI (6 goos solved of 7), Round XVII (9 goos solved of 28), Round XVIII (1 goos solved of 18), Round XX (5 goos solved of 19), Round XXI (6 goos solved of 18), Round XXII (7 goos solved of 20), Round XXIII (7 goos solved of 20), Round XXIV (46 goos solved of 113), Round XXV (55 goos solved of 105), Round XXVI (40 goos solved of 110), Round XXVII (25 goos solved of 103), Round XXVIII (40 goos solved of 103), Round XXIX (33 goos solved of 107), Round XXX (20 goos solved of 55), Round XXXI (3 goos solved of 56), and Round XXXII (1 goos solved of 54).

We have a winner!

The April 2024 round is over, and the winner is...