Scott Hardie | October 27, 2019
Not that it was called Funeratic back then, but I started Funeratic 23 years ago today. It's crazy to me that this site has been going for that long. I think of Twitter as old, but we've got a decade on them. Insane.

As always at this time of year, I want to say how much I appreciate the regular visitors here. You all continuing to participate in my silly little web games and discussions is the only reason I can keep it going. Thank you! If there's anything that I can do to make the experience even more pleasant, please let me know.

Also, it's time for our annual new additions to The History of Funeratic. This year we have five new items, none dating back too far. It's been a year and I'm still bummed about the first one.

Here's looking forward to our 24th year together. I hope it's another good one. :-)

Matthew Preston | October 28, 2019
WooHoo! Congrats on another year!

Erik Bates | October 28, 2019
[hidden by request]

Steve West | October 28, 2019
Speaking as one of the diehards, as long as the site's here, I'm here. Thanks.

Chris Lemler | October 28, 2019
I'm glad the site is still going strong. Thanks

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