Scott Hardie | March 2, 2005
I see a correct guess for Amy. (link) Can Mike match it in the next 157 minutes?

Scott Hardie | March 2, 2005
Incidentally, if not, this could become Amy's fourth Golden Imelda of the round, a new record all by itself.

Mike Eberhart | March 2, 2005
Not bloody likely.... I don't have any clue who this goo is... Looked all day, and don't know how she came up with it. I'll make a guess before 11, but it won't be correct. I still have know idea how Amy keeps getting all these Very Hard goos????????? There's a conspiracy at foot.... :)

Mike Eberhart | March 2, 2005
If you didn't catch it, the "Not bloody likely" quote was from Seinfeld.

E. M. | March 2, 2005
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Amy Austin | March 2, 2005
Oh, C'MON, E -- I wouldn't say "giddy"... just "proud" (okay, "darn proud") -- and Mike, it took quite a bit of intermittent searching, and I wasn't feeling too well during the last hour... I was glad to have finally found it so that I could take a shower and a rest!

E. M. | March 2, 2005
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Jackie Mason | March 2, 2005
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Mike Eberhart | March 2, 2005
Ok, I made my guess. It's wrong, but I'm tired of looking for it and I want to begin a new round. So, congratulations Amy. I still don' t know how you find these....

Jackie Mason | March 2, 2005
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E. M. | March 2, 2005
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Scott Hardie | March 2, 2005
I'll tell you what it is, Jackie: It's really freakin' tough. As very hard goos go, yesterday's Advertising goo was kind of a pushover, but I'm awed that Amy got this Diseases & Health goo; I thought both she and Mike would miss it. Well done, Ms. Austin.

And a gracious bow out of the round for you, Mike. You're a fine sportsman.

For whatever it's worth, I'm done "rooting for" the person who hasn't won before. In the past, it was often Matthew or Aaron who was the competition, and they had won the game so many times that I didn't mind rooting against them. But I felt lousy when I did it to you this time, Mike; you're an excellent player and you try just as hard as Amy and Megan, and you don't deserve to be treated like that. In a general way, I'll still hope that the game gets more new winners instead of old repeat winners, but I'm done making it personal like this.

Amy Austin | March 2, 2005
Thank you, everybody... and especially Mike. It's damn near impossible not to sound cheesy or condescending while saying this, but I'm only all the prouder for having had to go head-to-head against you to win the are a tenacious competitor, and I'm "honored" -- I mean it! ;DDD

Scott, I seriously doubted I'd get this one, too -- I was thoroughly nonplussed when it went up and spent 2 hours on it right then, followed by quite a few more today! I was afraid that the stand-off between us would last at least a week, and that thought alone was making me tired. I had a "eureka" at 2100 tonight and was hesitant to post my guess until much closer -- like... *now* -- in case Mike was hot on the trail and his search might be bolstered by my correct guess. (E says I'm paranoid, but I say it's strategy!) So I settled for purposely making my guess be "pending" to throw him off and/or kill time, but then you came along within 10 or 15 minutes and verified it, Scott! I thought, "157 minutes is a pretty long time!" I guess I was just fortunate in that Mike sounds as tired as I am... once again, good round, Mike!

Now... on to winning my second round and rackin' up some more Imeldas in the process! ;DDDDD

Scott Hardie | March 2, 2005
I stand corrected: Amy has earned four Golden Imeldas this round, but the record for a single round is six, earned by Matthew Preston in Round V. However, in all fairness, that was a time when very few people were playing the game, and Matt earned some of those Golden Imeldas on easy goos that would have been guessed by two dozen players today.

Amy Austin | March 2, 2005
Well, now I know what to beat then... ;DDD

David Mitzman | March 3, 2005
Well now that this round is over, I'm done with my "sabbatical" from the game and playing with all I can to win this round. Scott can attest to my lax playing in this last round (prob due to moving from fla back to new york) and other such assorted retardedness.

E. M. | March 3, 2005
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Amy Austin | March 3, 2005
Yeah, whatever. I was actually doing house stuff while he was making little jokes here, and he drew attention to himself by folding up his laptop as I walked in. Then he comes in nonchalantly, asking if I'd read his post, and I hadn't. So I read it as he stood there, and before I said anything, I had a "hug head" -- not a "huge" one -- so Mr. Dumbass had to go and edit his silly little (untrue) remark.

I only said "I rule" all day yesterday... not once today. I shouldn't have said anything at all about his comment just to let you all see what a dork he really is.

E. M. | March 3, 2005
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Amy Austin | March 3, 2005
Scott, look who I'm married to... I should think that's punishment enough.

Lori Lancaster | March 3, 2005
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Amy Austin | March 3, 2005
Thanks, Lori... ;D

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