Dave Stoppenhagen | April 27, 2009
Interesting news story out of Indianapolis.


Scott Hardie | April 27, 2009
Interesting indeed. If malice were the intent instead of surveillance, I wonder if the software could also be used to make lots of expensive overseas calls to run up the bill. If that even worked, the phone company would probably just waive the charges.

If you knew spyware had been installed on your phone, like the Kuykendalls who were being harassed, I wonder if you could use GPS to smoke out the criminal. Turn off the ringer, then leave it in public somewhere no one would discover it, then write on every social-networking site that you lost your phone and will have to get it replaced if it doesn't turn up. Have the cops wait for the stalker to go pick it up intending to slip it back into your possession. Probably wouldn't work, but I'd like to see it tried.

Dave Stoppenhagen | April 28, 2009
Yeah it would be interesting to try. The story didn't mention it but I would think restoring the phone to factory default should wipe any of the spyware off of it, unless it somehow altered the factory settings, or altered the hardware.

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