Dave Stoppenhagen | November 10, 2005
Just thought I would get everyone's thoughts on this new "controversy" (link) from parents and those that are not. Guess there have been articles in the New York Times and other nationwide papers.

Michael Paul Cote | November 10, 2005
As the father of a 5 year old who is not always an angel, I think that the guy has a point. In a bakery such as his, he probably not only caters to kids but also to elderly folk. I'm sure that they don't want to have kids screaming and carrying on while having their coffee, etc. I would bet dollars to donuts (excuse the pun) that the mom complaining the loudest also has the brattiest kids.
I would use the sign and point it out to my son as a way of re-enforcing good behavior.
I feel that part of the problem is with the fast food places that put playgrounds inside their restaurants. If the parents can't keep kids under control, let them go there instead.
Like a bar, the owner of a store has the right to refuse service to anyone they choose for whatever reason or for no reason. This owner didn't say that kids weren't welcome, he just wants them to behave in a proper manner, which, in my opinion, the parents should attempt to teach their children anyway. I feel that too many parents today do not teach proper social behavior.

Jackie Mason | November 10, 2005
[hidden by request]

Lori Lancaster | November 10, 2005
[hidden by request]

Dave Stoppenhagen | November 10, 2005
Thats the way I'm feeling, I don't have kids of my own yet, but I see nothing wrong with that sign. There is another location that has something similar on their menu's about people using cell phones inside to keep their voices at a minimal level, can't find the story right now but will add it if I do find it.

Dave Stoppenhagen | November 10, 2005
If you go to WGNTV (link) and click on the Kid Unfriendly video they mention it.

Amy Austin | November 11, 2005
AMEN to all that was said by everyone here... and especially what Mike wrote:

...the mom complaining the loudest also has the brattiest kids.

Probably true, probably true.

Scott Hardie | November 19, 2005
Same: Amen to all written. If I lived in that town, he'd have my business. I have come to prefer adults-only restaurants, hotels, and movie theaters because I have decreasingly little patience for screaming brats. All of the groceries around here are bad, but the Publix in front of my apartment is the worst; the parents either slap their kids or ignore them, but either way, the kids scream and scream and scream while they run around the store bumping into you. Shopping there can be hell on earth. But don't I dare shush one of the little shits or risk mom's wrath.

On a similar note, chirping walkie-talkie phones are getting out of hand. It was so loud at the table next to us at lunch that we couldn't even hear each other speak. Do not use those fucking infernal devices indoors, outdoors, or anywhere within fifty miles of another human being trying to converse with friends in peace. Thank you.

Kris Weberg | November 23, 2005
Now if we could just get the airlines to stow all children under 3 in the cargo hold, all would be well.

Amy Austin | November 23, 2005
YES!!! ;-DDD

Michael Paul Cote | November 23, 2005
I've found that airplane behavior can be controlled by a simple dose of dramamine.

Amy Austin | November 24, 2005
Sure enough... that should zonk 'em out!

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