Scott Hardie | May 16, 2020
Kelly and I were just talking about the Earl of Sandwich and the (probably untrue) story that he invented the sandwich.

That got me thinking: What dish have you invented that you wouldn't mind having named after you?

Samir Mehta | May 16, 2020
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Denise Sawicki | May 16, 2020
That outmeal sounds interesting. I actually like savory oatmeals also, I normally add some eggs and top with seasoned salt, sour cream, and some vegetables. Eggs cooked in oatmeal is really easy and filling and makes the texture a lot better in my opinion. (I know you in particular might not eat eggs though, Samir)

Samir Mehta | May 16, 2020
[hidden by request]

Denise Sawicki | May 16, 2020
It is just a quick dinner I make for myself in the microwave when I am lazy - I never really timed it out very well or measured :) I dump some oatmeal and water in a bowl (probably less water than normally called for) microwave it for maybe 1:30 then crack in 2 eggs, I break the yolks but I don't really stir it in, microwave for another couple minutes until everything is firm (I maybe add some vegetables on a tupperware lid at this point and microwave them too) and then top with sour cream , seasoning and the vegetables... I use rolled oats by the way.

Steve West | May 16, 2020
I made 5 minute ice cream recently. It was fairly easy. Cream, sugar, strawberries, strawberry syrup, and crushed walnuts. I called it Steve Decadence.

Kelly Lee | May 22, 2020
My culinary masterpiece is tiny chips ahoy cookies in a bowl with milk, eaten as cereal.
Because I am an adult.
And a genius.

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