Chris Lemler | May 25, 2016
Hope you are having a great birthday.

Matthew Preston | May 25, 2016
Happy birthday my friend!

Steve West | May 25, 2016
Hope your day was full of love, surprises and , of course, Disney. Happy Birthday, my dear friend.

Denise Sawicki | May 25, 2016
Happy birthday!

Justin Woods | May 25, 2016
Happy Birthday Scott! hope you enjoy your Day!

Aaron Shurtleff | May 26, 2016
Hooray hooray hooray hooray!!!

LaVonne Lemler | May 26, 2016
Happy Birthday, Scott! Hope it's been your best ever!

Russ Wilhelm | May 26, 2016
Belated, but hoping it Rocked. Happy Birthday!!!

Scott Hardie | May 26, 2016
Thanks, everybody! I was too consumed with projects at work and responsibilities at home to enjoy the day, but I have plenty of fun planned for this weekend. I really appreciate the nice sentiments. :-)

My birthday present to myself was successfully completing a three-week campaign in Rock Block. Many thanks to the players who put up with my onslaught of concert invitations all month.

Samir Mehta | May 28, 2016
[hidden by request]

Scott Hardie | May 30, 2016
Thank you! I appreciate the compliment. I wish I was more successful at self-improvement, but I have to keep trying, right?

I don't want to spoil this moment by saying something negative, but if I'm being honest, I guess the thing that I've learned most over the last year has been that America's capacity for idiocy and delusion is far bigger than I thought. We're seriously considering electing a con artist to be our president, we are terrified of things that have a miniscule chance of killing us, we simultaneously decry fascism and refuse to tolerate any criticism of our nation or our military, we get angry over trivial bullshit, and we deny mercy to people suffering in ways large and small because of completely imagined threats to our safety. Americans have a long tradition of anti-intellectualism, but we have become self-parody this year, and the scale of our stupidity has taken me by surprise.

Steve West | May 30, 2016
Jeff Daniels from HBO's The Newsroom


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