Scott Hardie | February 17, 2008
I can't believe it's been a decade. I didn't think the game would last until summer, let alone this long, with no signs of stopping. I am indebted to the many players whose enthusiasm for the game has been the tireless engine keeping it (and me) going. Given the occasion, I especially want to thank Matt for inspiring the game in the first place. This week is for the friends we were that year.

I originally intended to present gooed images of the yearbook photos, but at the last minute I decided to play it straight. What you see are the unaltered yearbook photos of seven people who went on to great fame. These will be the first goos whose "source" photos have nothing to do with their "gooed" photos. Six of the seven will have the original gooed version revealed with the answer.

Lori Lancaster | February 17, 2008
[hidden by request]

Steve West | February 17, 2008
I've already expressed my gratitude inre Scott's efforts and my continued delight in site participation, but I readily repeat how awed I am by your dedication, Scott. It must seem at times as if you're wearing Sisyphus' sandals, when the site is more a chore than a pleasure, and it's your perseverance that I admire more than anything. And yet the site has rarely remained in stasis, merely plugging along. It is constantly evolving and keeping us enthralled with your innovation and creativity and cleverness. Thanks.

Mike Rothstein | February 18, 2008
Thanks for keeping the game going all this time Scott, it's a lot of fun.

Russ Wilhelm | February 18, 2008
Ten years. And all you've ever asked of us is to enjoy what the site has to offer. This is a unique site, and to be running this long is quite an achievement. Here's to the next ten years, and thank you.

Scott Hardie | February 23, 2008
You are all welcome. There may be occasions when I don't have time to give the site what it needs, but it never stops being fun. There's no way I could keep doing it without your enthusiasm, so that you.

As for the anniversary, the 2008 inductee is...

Erik Bates | February 23, 2008
[hidden by request]

Jackie Mason | February 23, 2008
[hidden by request]

Steve West | February 23, 2008
What a perfect choice! Congrats Lori!

Amy Austin | February 23, 2008
Yay, Lori... ;-)

Aaron Shurtleff | February 24, 2008
Woo hoo! Congrats, Lori!!

Dave Stoppenhagen | February 25, 2008
Congrats Lori.

Lori Lancaster | February 25, 2008
[hidden by request]

Scott Hardie | February 23, 2009
Happy eleventh anniversary, goo game. I guess I could have picked a more distinguished celebrity for your big day, but you're a big grown-up game now, aren't you?

This year's new inductee to the Hall of Fame will be announced on Monday evening. Begin feeling suspense........... now!

Amy Austin | February 23, 2009
Steve West. End of suspense. ;-p

Scott Hardie | February 24, 2009
This year's inductee is announced. Those three paragraphs imply what I'm going to come out and say here: This person is a fine player and a friend, and I am grateful to have gotten to know him over the years and to have created a game worthy of his impressive efforts. Congratulations!

Amy Austin | February 24, 2009
Congratulations, STEVE... my hero!!! And now... I must defeat you. ;-P

Aaron Shurtleff | February 24, 2009
Steve, you owe my wife a debt of gratitude for pulling me away from GOO Con so you could win that live GOO game trophy! ;)

NO, honestly, even if I had stayed and won (which is questionable at best), you'd still be head and shoulders the best choice for induction! Congratulations!! :D

Lori Lancaster | February 24, 2009
[hidden by request]

Steve Dunn | February 24, 2009
Good job, Steve. You deserve it. I'm pretty sure you're first-ballot in the Rock Block hall of fame, too.

Russ Wilhelm | February 25, 2009
Way to go Steve. You definitely earned it.

Steve West | February 25, 2009
Thanks, everyone. I now covet the double Hall of Fame award. I endeavor to be the first recipient. :-))

Scott Hardie | February 25, 2009
Five more years, three more wins, nine more runners-up, and another 1,073 goos... If anyone can do it, you can.

Amy Austin | February 25, 2009
Oh, quit trying to induce someone else (me) to brain hemhorrage, Steve (and Scott!)... ;-p

Scott Hardie | March 17, 2009
Probably most of you have noticed (including Steve), but I'll say it anyway: Congrats, Steve, on becoming the game's fifth Goo Master!

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