Erik Bates | October 7, 2004
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Anna Gregoline | October 7, 2004
What a random brush with celebrity!

Scott Hardie | October 8, 2004
That is pretty cool, E.

Melissa Erin | October 8, 2004
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Erik Bates | October 8, 2004
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John E Gunter | October 8, 2004
That must have been very COOL, especially being able feel comfortable enough around her to feel at home.


Jackie Mason | October 8, 2004
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Erik Bates | October 9, 2004
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Jackie Mason | October 9, 2004
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Anna Gregoline | October 9, 2004
Didn't Laura Bush accidentaly run over someone with her car? Honestly, I'm not trying to slam her, I think she's nice too, but I heard this weird story/rumor somewhere.

Scott Hardie | October 9, 2004
Yeah, when she was in high school, she ran a stop sign, collided with another car, and killed the other kid who was driving it. She has said in interviews that it was the most terrible event of her life.

Anthony Lewis | October 9, 2004
I think it was her boyfriend too.

Kris Weberg | October 9, 2004
Nope -- neither her boyfriend nor her ex-boyfriend, despite reports to the contrary, but a good friend of hers.

I wouldn't hold this one against her, either; she was talking to a friend in her own car, and not paying attention. Who here can say, as a teenager, that they never did stupid crap while driving a car a little too fast?

Erik Bates | October 9, 2004
[hidden by request]

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