Chris Lemler | December 26, 2011
Hope everyone had a good and safe Christmas.

Scott Hardie | December 26, 2011
Me too. Spending time with loved ones was the best part, as always.

I lived in apartments for six years until last Christmas, when I relocated to a house where my neighbors seem to love giant inflatable yard displays. Every third house in this neighborhood seems to have one, from a giant snowman and his snow-house to Christmas characters racing each other in little holiday NASCAR cars. I remarked that the locals really seem to love their inflatable decorations, but Kelly pointed out that it might be a national trend. Is it? Have I been away from front yards for too long to notice?

Steve West | December 26, 2011
I think I have eggnog hangover. You know why they only sell this stuff once a year? - Because it sucks! I can't say, "No" to Grandma's wrinkly hand when she's thoughtful enough to offer me some again and again. Having families local makes it nearly impossible to forego a visit (not that I want to). The day ends up pretty exhausting after logging 150 miles round trip(s). It's all good.

Inflatables abound here, too. Mostly of the snow globe variety, I think. Giant balloon figures encased in an even larger clear balloon shell.

Samir Mehta | December 27, 2011
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Lori Lancaster | December 27, 2011
[hidden by request]

Erik Bates | December 27, 2011
[hidden by request]

Steve West | December 28, 2011
Grandma loves you back.

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