Scott Hardie | November 18, 2017
Kelly and I attended a celebration of life this week where a slideshow of the deceased was accompanied by one of her favorite songs, "Close to You" by the Carpenters. It got me thinking: What song would you want played at your own funeral or celebration of life?

Alternative: Can you come up with a less serious choice than Kelly's answer to the question?

Scott Hardie | November 23, 2017
No takers? Sorry if the subject is too morbid.

Me, I'm inclined to choose "Seeing Things" by the Black Crowes. I never managed to get into the band overall, but that's a great song that I turn up whenever it comes on, and it has the right mood even if the lyrics are a little off for the occasion.

Samir Mehta | November 24, 2017
[hidden by request]

Lori Lancaster | November 26, 2017
[hidden by request]

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