Jackie Mason | September 14, 2004
[hidden by request]

Anna Gregoline | September 14, 2004
I couldn't even believe this post and I'm going to ignore all signs that it might be true.

Jackie Mason | September 14, 2004
[hidden by request]

Anna Gregoline | September 14, 2004
No no no it's not real.

Melissa Erin | September 14, 2004
[hidden by request]

Anna Gregoline | September 15, 2004
Yeah, I never get that either - I think she looks like an emaciated freakazoid.

Kris Weberg | September 15, 2004
Barbie looks like an emaciated freakazoid, too, but thanks to the basic absurdity of American consumer culture, "she's" a grotesque-but-sadly-real standard of feminine beauty as well.

Anna Gregoline | September 15, 2004
Barbie doesn't look nearly as gross as Paris Hilton though, honestly.

My favorite stat about Barbie is that if she was a real woman she would fall on her face because her feet are too small and her boobs are too big. Ha!

Jackie Mason | September 15, 2004
[hidden by request]

Anna Gregoline | September 15, 2004
The Barbies of today still couldn't stand up on their own, for the reasons I mentioned.

Ken has never had a penis.

John E Gunter | September 15, 2004
Well, I'm not completely sure if it is a joke or not, but it doesn't show up on the site I always use when I'm searching for a new movie they are making. This site is usually pretty good at having all of the latest information about movies in the pipe as it were.

It has information about them from when they are conceived through production and finally when they are supposed to come out. The link is below...

Cinescape/Corona Coming Attractions

If you look in the drop down list, you'll see that there is no entry of either Gatsby, Great Gatsby, The Gatsby or The Great Gatsby. So unless they have changed the name, this place hasn't heard about them and like I said, they scoop quite a few movies.


Scott Hardie | September 17, 2004
I haven't read the novel since high school, but I vaguely remember Daisy as absent-minded and ditzy with a hidden greediness, which would make Paris Hilton perfect for the part. She wouldn't need to act. :-)

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