Erik Bates | July 29, 2004
[hidden by request]

Scott Horowitz | July 29, 2004
My question is "When did the last 2 words become 'Play Ball'"?

Anna Gregoline | July 29, 2004

Yeah, I don't like when it gets fancy. Just sing the darn thing.

And yeah, I think it's a neat song. I've always liked "Oh Canada" too.

Jackie Mason | July 29, 2004
[hidden by request]

Anna Gregoline | July 29, 2004
There was this extra horn part right before the "home of the brave" at the end my band used to do - gave me chills too.

John E Gunter | July 29, 2004
It's all part of artistic expression. Now personally, I don't like it when anyone puts their particular spin on any remake. But that's all part of the art, as it were.

As long as people are individuals though, you'll have someone changing the way the song is sung, the painting is painted, the movie is made, etc. The great thing also about that is though, because we are individuals, we get the chance to say, hey, you changed it, I didn't like how you changed it, so there for, it sucked in my opinion.

Oh by the way, I get goose bumps everytime they sing the song also, I do so love this country and being able to live here!


Anna Gregoline | July 29, 2004
I really do too. Some people here might think I hate America right now - nothing could be further from the truth. There's a difference between hating policies and hating the country. I wish some things were better - but I think we've got a lot going for us, and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

Except maybe Canada (they have so many better laws!)

Erik Bates | July 29, 2004
[hidden by request]

Scott Hardie | July 30, 2004
I wouldn't go changing it for something on the scale of a Super Bowl, but for some little exhibition game, I say shake it up a bit. Here's Joe Satriani playing it on the electric guitar at a Giants game (3.9m).

Steve West | July 30, 2004
I really admire the lyrics to the song and hope that most Americans would take the time to understand the history behind the lyrics, Francis Scott Key, War of 1812, Fort McHenry and all that. Which is probably what stems my mild dislike of renditions that don't include the lyrics (although symphonic renditions are fine with me because I can re-create the lyrics in my mind). It does bother me a little when instrumental versions (a la Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock) stray so wildly from the established arrangement that the lyrics no longer match the melody.

John E Gunter | July 30, 2004
[quote]hope that most Americans would take the time to understand the history behind the lyrics, Francis Scott Key, War of 1812, Fort McHenry and all that.[/quote]

I know that history, studied it in school. Made the song mean so much more to me once I knew it. Guess that's why the song affects me so!


Scott Horowitz | July 30, 2004
The thing that schocked me is that there is more than 1 verse. I found it in a history book in like 7th grade. I bet over 90% of Americans didn't know that

The Complete Star Spangled Banner

Scott Hardie | July 31, 2004
Funny you should mention Hendrix's version, Steve; it's my own favorite. :-) But I never try to sing along to it, so that part doesn't matter. I appreciate it for the feelings that are so powerful -- both Hendrix's love of music while playing it, and the patriotic ferver that it stirs within me when I hear it. Ordinary renditions of the anthem make me proud, but his makes me passionate.

Scott Hardie | April 16, 2016
Is Flea's version of the national anthem merely bad, or one of the worst you've ever heard?

Erik Bates | April 18, 2016
[hidden by request]

Scott Hardie | April 18, 2016
He could have done that on any night. He had to do it on the night when so many more people were tuning in to watch Kobe Bryant's final game.

Samir Mehta | April 19, 2016
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Scott Hardie | April 19, 2016
I've gone on record as a big fan of Hendrix's version, and a fan of Flea in general, but this rendition is just bad. It starts out fine, but Flea soon starts jamming in what sounds like a bad imitation of Hendrix, and he loses me fast. I'm probably being too harsh for this inconsequential little thing in the world, but it's really bad. :-) As I would expect, Flea doesn't care what I think.

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