Erik Bates | December 11, 2007
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Aaron Shurtleff | December 11, 2007
That's just evil...

Lori Lancaster | December 12, 2007
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Kelly Lee | December 12, 2007 he dances about on par with what I can dance...and for no real reason, in the middle of the song some black guy wearing short short short pants, aka briefs, runs into a fence. What was that about?

Also, it's kinda creepy that what looks like a ten year old has that voice.

Amy Austin | December 13, 2007
The black guy/bartender is actually a ventriloquist -- his antics are self-congratulatory for being so incredibly talented, as well as having the best damn dummy... EVER!!!

(But seriously, I always liked the song, too... still do. I'm not ashamed...)

Jackie Mason | December 14, 2007
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Kelly Lee | December 14, 2007
So were we just Rick Rolled? Cause thats kinda dumb.

Erik Bates | December 14, 2007
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Steve West | December 29, 2007
Speaking of guys who are tragically white and dance like it - Billy Squier, Rock Me Tonite. I actually like Billy Squier and he continues to be on my Rock Block birthday short list but seriously... This video may have been the thing that ended his career. Pretty sorry ending for the man described as a one man Led Zep. Try to wait until the 1:30 mark or so where he really spazzes out. And yes, I know of which I speak, being a charter member of the club.

Jason Melo | February 24, 2008
hahahah thats good

Jason Melo | February 24, 2008
i saved that little pic at the top,...good song! embarassed to admit lol

Erik Bates | February 29, 2008
[hidden by request]

Steve West | March 2, 2008
The most powerful weapon in the video gaming world!

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