Scott Hardie | September 21, 2001
I have a quiz in two and a half hours on four chapters of my textbook. The problem is that I lost my textbook. I actually bothered to read it once, and set it aside, and now it's gone. My chances of passing this class are slipping away. I went to class yesterday and saw this teacher in the hallway, and she saw me. What will she think if I skip class again today? Do I care? I think so. I hate school. I hate it. I wish I could drop out. I wish I could experience an alternate dimension in which I do drop out. But I don't have that option. Too many years and dollars invested. Why does working a shit-ass minimum-wage labor-intensive job at Taco Bell leave me feeling fulfilled and happy, and a light-workload pretend college career leave me feeling ashamed, depressed, and burned out? God damn it, I want to leave college and start working. I can't take another year of this kind of depression.

Anna Gregoline | September 22, 2001
I feel the same way right now, Scott, from not having a job at all. It's like college just spat me out and forgot about me.

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