Scott Hardie | June 6, 2023
Here's checking in with Rock Block players. Who wants to play a summer tournament this year?

After struggling to make another idea work, inspiration struck me in early May. I did about half of the work to set up a tournament before I got pulled into other tasks. I can finish it and launch, but it occurs to me that only Steve West and I are actively playing at the moment, and I don't want to waste my time if there's not enough interest. I can always shelve what I have and revisit it another time in the future.

So, here's asking. If at least four people (including me) say that they're up for playing, I'll finish what I have and launch it sometime in June. Thanks!

Steve West | June 6, 2023
Okay, soldiers... I'm lookin' for volunteers.

Erik Bates | June 24, 2023
Holy cow. It's been a while since I checked in on TC! I'm down for a tournament. Horrible timing, as June is almost over. Sorry!

Scott Hardie | June 26, 2023
Thanks, guys! We're still looking for one more. This can run into the fall.

I discussed this with Matthew Preston over the weekend. He's concerned about having lots of concerts pending at once. I don't think anybody wants that, so I'd probably only do this with 1-2 concerts at a time per player. In fact, if there's anything specifically that you'd like to see done differently this time out, please say so.

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