Tony Peters | May 12, 2010
I was tempted to post this in "you've got to be kidding me" but this is actually serious. I understand the reasoning but I'm not sure they shouldn't have started from scratch looking for a site for the GOP convention. Florida only reenforces the thinking that the GOP is only for southern white people, not that I am condemning white southerners, just that the party is viewed by most as exclusively white and southern except for mormons and racist Arizonan's both of whom are predominately white as well

Samir Mehta | May 12, 2010
[hidden by request]

Steve West | May 12, 2010
I'm guessing it simply comes down to 27 key electoral votes that the RNC is drooling over. Although that strategy didn't work so well in Minnesota.

Scott Hardie | May 13, 2010
Good luck with that. We can't even make up our minds between Crist and Rubio.

Scott Hardie | May 13, 2010
I dread all of the inevitable metaphors about the Mayan calendar. Like if Obama is down in the polls, "it looks like 2012 is indeed doomsday for the Democrats." Ugh.

Amy Austin | May 13, 2010
Well, now that you've put it out there...

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