Jackie Mason | June 14, 2006
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Lori Lancaster | June 14, 2006
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Amy Austin | June 14, 2006
That's crazy. I'm not sure what to think about that... I'm beginning to really hate all reminders of "getting old" -- it feels like more come on every day.

Kris Weberg | June 15, 2006
Man, that is one annoying ringtone. It sounds like the EBS after someone kicked it between the legs.

Amy Austin | June 15, 2006
I previewed six different ranges -- I can only hear the 15-18 KHz... but not 19 or 20. Told Ed to listen, and he only heard 15 & 16. It reminded me of a TV set we had that drove me crazy with a background "buzz" that only I could hear and he couldn't... we figured that it was because I'm female (just as young'uns can hear higher frequencies, so can females).

I'm not sure that I would hear that if it were my ringtone, though... I am pretty sure, however, that I wouldn't really want to.

David Mitzman | June 15, 2006
where on that page do you see a link to download those ringtones?

Lori Lancaster | June 15, 2006
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Amy Austin | June 15, 2006

I'm guessing -- based on comparison from that link -- that the NPR mp3 was a 15KHz tone. It sounded about the same frequency to me, only much louder... very annoying. It's a good thing that the tone designed for the "teen repellent" is much higher -- I would definitely want to get away from that sound.

Lori Lancaster | June 15, 2006
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Denise Sawicki | June 15, 2006
I'm 29 and I can hear all the ones at Amy's link except for the 20 KHz one. I didn't find Amy's ones very annoying though but Lori's ones sure were. (Heard those fine too.) Some of Amy's didn't even sound high really. I wonder if it depends on what kind of speakers you are listening through.

I think the whole idea of playing a sound like that to drive teenagers away is pretty wacky. Also, that would drive me away just fine...

Jackie Mason | June 15, 2006
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Denise Sawicki | June 16, 2006
It definitely depends what speakers you use. At work it was very easy to hear and most of them didn't even sound that high. I kind of figured something was wrong... At home they do sound super high and annoying and I couldn't hear 19 or 20.

Lori Lancaster | June 16, 2006
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Scott Hardie | June 21, 2006
The Onion on the new ringtone for teens: "What would really drive adults nuts is if they invented a silent ring option, like vibrate."

Jackie Mason | June 22, 2006
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