Well, I'm on my way to kickball, when my mother calls me. She never calls me, so I know right away this is going to be bad. Apparently, the night before, my dad was driving down the road, towing the dunk tank (yes, my dad was towing around a county fair style dunk tank..it's a long story..maybe later). He works 12 hour shifts at the local paper mill, so he's pretty tired most of the time, and this night was no exception. Well, he fell asleep at the wheel, and, of course, wasn't wearing his seat belt (he's overweight, and he says it's uncomfortable for him). He hit the guard rail at 55 MPH, lost control of the car, and crashed into the guard rail on the other side of the road. His car is totaled. The dunk tank is beyond repair as well. He walks away with a sore shoulder (lucky for him...very very lucky). And, of course, being my dad, he refuses medical assistance that night, and goes the the hospital on his own the next day. Again, very very lucky that he didn't have some further injury.

If he wasn't so far away, I'd boot him in the ass! Well, I'm all in a weird place, so I'm out and about for the rest of the day. Just letting all that out, and possibly warning people that I am in a weird mood, so take nothing I say or do today as personal or in the wrong way. I'm currently out of my mind, but I should be back on Monday.


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

4-XI-2008 or Historic Vote

Well, I just voted. I have to say this is the first time that I have been totally regretful as I walked out of the polling center. Even now, I have a pain in my stomach, and I'm wondering to myself, "Did I do the right thing?" Go »

Random Thought

I'm considering trading in a bunch of R3 cards in RB to get a card I really want (plus an Achievement), so anyone who reads this and is interested in one of my R3's let me know. I'm willing to consider a trade over 10 cards to get one I want. Although the Achievement intrigues me... Go »

8-II-2008 or No way! Not on your life!

Thanks to Lori for giving me something to laugh about today! :) Well, it's Lent again, which means I'm not eating meat today (except seafood, which is still kind of meat, which never really made much sense to me, but, hey, I'm a follower, so I do what I'm told without question...or at least without vocalizing those questions!). Go »


Just seeing if I can get a picture of Malachi to show up here... If this works, this is Malachi's "Get that camera out of my %^&*ing face!" look! Go »

18-VIII-2006 or Are you doing that on purpose?

I keep reading Adrirants, but she's posting them and disabling replies! How can the peanut gallery comment? Maybe that's the point... Go »

25-IV-2007 or Ze pearl is in ze river

That's a quote from a weird movie I saw back in the day. I think it had Chevy Chase and more vertically challenged people than I can count (including the famous Billy Barty!). The details are sketchy at this point, but I believe there was a secret message to be passed to the person who gave the code phrase, "The pearl is in the river." Go »