I caught the tail end of Office Space the other night. Always improves my mood, somehow. I almost wish I worked in an office, so the jokes would be funnier. Almost. :P

Well, I'm in the thick of it and I'm wearing thin, as the expression goes. My boss is on vacation, and so is one of my direct co-workers. My work load is a heavy heavy burden right now. I might not survive the week. I kid, of course. I'll survive, but it'll be painful. :(

A good hard day of planting tomatoes and walking around in the hot sun. You would think one of these times I'd remember the sunscreen. *sigh* I'll be that leathery-skinned old fogey one day that everyone makes fun of (assuming I don't get skin cancer and die early). It's not that I don't know the risks, or that I don't have sunscreen, I just forget.

How come I can sweat my buttocks off all day, doing manual labor, but I can never seem to lose weight? It's got to be the Pepsi. Curse you, PepsiCola! Is there a 12 step program for cola addiction? I need to start one if there isn't one! (Not to belittle 12 step programs, nor do I wish to imply that cola addiction is as bad of an addiction as drugs or alcohol...but it's at least as bad as gambling or smoking!!)

Song of the Day? "I'm Ugly and I Don't Know Why" by Butt Trumpet. Just because Butt Trumpet is still one of my favorite band names! This is a vulgar song. No redeeming qualities. Seriously. Don't look for it. Don't listen to it. Just know that I have issues, and that your life will be darkened if you are subjected to this song.

I think that's it. Busy day tomorrow, so I might skip another day. I hope not, but you never know...

Two Replies to 22-VIII-2006 or PC Load Letter?! What the #@$% does that mean?!

Jackie Mason | August 22, 2006
[hidden by author request]

Scott Hardie | August 27, 2006
Time always weeds out the true classics from the passing sensations, and I've enjoyed seeing that phenomenon in the nineties. Forrest Gump was the big hit of 1994 and where is it now, compared to the present stature of its peers Pulp Fiction and The Shawshank Redemption? Office Space belongs to the same pantheon of nineties movies that are only now getting the mantle of greatness they deserve, with The Usual Suspects and Groundhog Day and Trainspotting.


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

20-IX-2006 or Man, those Samoans sure are a surly bunch.

That was the punchline to a Bloom County comic I read many years ago. It always cracks me up...which makes no sense, really. Go »

17-IV-2008 or Only To Me Can This Happen...

I have the worst funny story to tell, but I'm going to put in some filler first, so that you can't read the beginning from the main page, so if you want to read just that part, skip down a bit. I'll put in some funky asterisks (asteriski?) when the story starts. Go »

13-XII-2006, or MMPI has nothing to do with Tom Selleck

WELL. What a fun couple of days! >:( (This emoticon denotes annoyance, disturbing thoughts, anxiety, and the utter lack of noses...and Go »

30-VI-2009 or Is it wrong to be happy?

I take joy in finding out that the ex that f-ed around on me 3 times while we were dating now appears to be divorced from the first guy she married, and is now apparently married to the guy she f-ed around with all three times we were dating. I am happy because a) she obviously really really liked the guy and b) now I know that it really was her, and not me. I beat the sh!t Go »

10-V-2008 or Thrash Unreal!

I'm really getting into the band Against Me!. (Do you put in a period in a case like this, where the band name ends in a punctuation mark??) I really like the song Thrash Unreal (I wish I could karaoke it! Go »

5-XI-2008 or Mentiroso!

Yeah, my espanol is muy malo. I feel like I should just come out and admit that I was probably lying yesterday. I have a habit (preference, actually) for claiming I voted for whoever wins the election, not matter whether it is true or not. Go »