I found the chink in your logic!

Seriously, there will be a full post tomorrow, probably. I just wanted to give a shout-out to the other loony around here! :) (And I don't mean that meanly, as I hope she knows!)

I think sometimes (and I do this as much, if not more than others) we see things like that which could apply, so we cling to it, and worry about it, and obsess over the what-ifs and what-not. It will do us no good, but we can't stop doing it. I can't offer advice, since a) I'm just as guilty, and I can't stop doing it either, and b) I really can't say whether it applies or not from my limited knowledge, but I think it helps to know that other people are going through it.

Or not. We're all unique...which sort of makes us all a bit narcissistic. *shrug*

Am I even spelling that correctly? Narcissistic...it looks right...

Three Replies to 29-III-2007 or But you can't stop this, ya narcissist! :P

Denise Sawicki | March 29, 2007
Hey thanks, I know you mean well. I'm such a goofball. Maybe I should just try to get myself one of those comprehensive tests like you did in the hopes it would set things straight in my head.

Aaron Shurtleff | March 30, 2007
I think I got more questions than answers from my test actually. :(

As always, YMMV.

Kris Weberg | March 30, 2007
Almost by definition, a narcissist never wonders seriously if he/she is a narcissist. That's why the disorder is so hard to treat for psychiatrists.


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

27-X-2009 or Linking For Great Justice!

This should be the link to Iceland pictures. If this doesn't work, I'll have to send the link through e-mail, which would involve getting e-mail addresses for anyone who wanted to see pictures. I think the pictures are not worth the anxiety of knowing I have your e-mail address, but we shall see... Go »

4-VIII-2007 or Short and Sweet

I am working on a Saturday. I am not so amused. :( Anyhow, the song of the day is this annoying song that one of my co-workers has sung non-frickin' stop for the past week and a half. Go »

17-I-2007 or Henry Rollins ain't got nothing on me!

So, the results are in, and I'm still walking the streets, so that's good...maybe. I really should have seen this coming, but I did exceptional on the test...sort of. Go »

4-XI-2008 or Historic Vote

Well, I just voted. I have to say this is the first time that I have been totally regretful as I walked out of the polling center. Even now, I have a pain in my stomach, and I'm wondering to myself, "Did I do the right thing?" Go »

Yay, a blog!

I've never had a blog (as the people here who know what an absolute technophobe I am will tell you is not surprising), so I guess this is my first step into the wonderful world of blogging. I had food poisoning last night, so my stomach is ready to bust again. Don't eat week old meatloaf is the lesson of the day. Go »

22-XI-2006 or Where have you been?

I know! I've been lax! I was hoping to have at home internet access by now (which I don't yet), which would have helped out with the blogging (and the GOO game...*grumble*). Go »