You would think after a year of quitting the cigarettes, I would be in the clear. Nope. Temptation got the best of me. :( I going to quit again, of course, but I'm sorry I even started again. I feel like crap, my throat hurts, and just feel physically drained, which I did not previously when I did the bad smoking thing. I guess that's good incentive to quit for good for real!

But I still want to smoke, which is pitiful.

Song of the day is Everything About You by Ugly Kid Joe. I am full of self-loathing, and I hate myself.

Did anyone rush out and buy the new Def Leppard album? Well, I did. ;) I haven't listened to it yet, though. Been too bust running around to devote myself to it. I am looking forward to it though.


Stick it is the worst movie I've ever watched. Yuck! I thought a movie about young female gymnasts would be pretty funny, but the best parts were in the previews.


OK, that wasn't really a spoiler, but damn that movie sucked. And, yeah, it's not too topical.

Four Replies to 6-V-2008 or I Fell Off The Wagon

Amy Austin | May 6, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Aaron Shurtleff | May 7, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Jackie Mason | May 7, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Aaron Shurtleff | May 7, 2008
Yes, Jackie, that is the very movie! Not as good as I thought. Plus, the character I thought was the main character (based on the picture on the cover of the DVD) was actually not the main character, which disappointed me. But I might have confused the two characters. I thought the girl from "Waiting" was the main character, but she wasn't.

I appreciate the support. I almost didn't say anything about falling off, but I'm trying to be honest in the blog and all. Except for certain delicate situations, I try to be honest with what I am thinking/feeling. *shrug* I'm sure anyone who reads this knows that anyways. :)


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

20-IX-2006 or Man, those Samoans sure are a surly bunch.

That was the punchline to a Bloom County comic I read many years ago. It always cracks me up...which makes no sense, really. Go »

15-VI-2007 or Feeling Like a Monday...

...but someday I'll be Saturday night. Another crazy Bon Jovi Go »

27-X-2006 or There's still a feeling of rejection...

...when someone says she prefers the company of others to your exclusive company. The song of the day is "Popular" by Nada Surf. Go »

24-I-2006 or Holy crap! I'm stealing internet!

There's really no appropriate place to say, "Hey! I bought a wireless USB adapter, and I'm borrowing my neighbor's internet access!" But, I am! Go »

16-IX-2009 or Behind The Scenes (GE)

For those who are not aware, my first character in Gothic Earth is retiring. I believe that Scott is going to keep him around to use for his own undoubtedly nefarious purposes, but essentially, I am done with him. There were many reasons behind it, but there was just a single overriding reason above all others: I found myself unwilling to continue with him. Go »

2-VIII-2007 or I Don't Have an Aunt Flo...

but I had issues! Unfortunately, last week went to Hades, thanks to an unscheduled visit from Uncle Intestinal Discomfort. I was pinned to my bathroom from Wednesday night into Saturday morning, with no internet access, so I was unable to even try to make a showing in the GOO finals. Go »