Kelly and I are home after a week on the road visiting family and friends in Illinois. I wish that we had more time to see more people, but I'm also glad that we got out of town before the sub-freezing temperatures returned. It was important to us to spend time with Kelly's father and brother since this was the first Christmas after her mother passed away, and most of the trip was spent just being a family.

The good:

- Having a boisterous Christmas with family moving about the house, cookies baking in the oven, a fire going in the fireplace, lots of gifts being torn open, and varied conversations about loved ones past and present. Hardie Christmases tend to be quiet and semi-formal, so it was refreshing to have a more active Lee Christmas this year. Next year, we hope to lure them to Florida to soak up the sun.

- The Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum in Springfield. With what must be a far bigger budget than any other presidential library, this facility utilizes Disney-grade special effects in their presentations to make Lincoln's life story come alive. Illinois loves Lincoln and they built a lavish space to memorialize him. Afterwards: Horseshoe sandwiches! Yum.

- Playing board games with Kelly and her father, even if that photo is not kind about my thinning hair. My favorite answer combination in Cards Against Humanity: "We never did find  consensual sex , but along the way, we sure did learn a lot about  a jury of our peers ."

- Exploring our home town with old friend Matthew. We walked through the nearly-empty mall that was booming in our teen years, tracked down the schools that we used to attend, shared some new life stories and some old memories, and of course, ate Chinese food, because that is what we do.

The not so good:

- A light show at the Morton Arboretum was underwhelming. Very few of the interactive displays behaved as described, and the rest were sort of meh. I didn't mind sharing a trail with five thousand other people, but the crowd bothered Kelly.

- We listened to several audiobooks on the road and most were fine, but man was Redshirts a letdown. It got off to a very funny start with a clever premise, but dragged in the middle when it ran out of ideas, and then it went on and on and on for hours with superfluous codas that added zero value. We forced ourselves to listen through to the very end, but we shouldn't have.

It was a fun trip, but it's also good to be home. Here's looking forward to ringing in 2015.

Logical Operator

The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

21 Days

Any advice for what to do with my last three weeks of living single? Kelly will now move here on February 4, due to various factors. This, it goes without saying, rules. Go »

Space Out

As Denise suggested I do, I've gotten partway through the Unsolved Mysteries set on UFOs. (link) It's not my favorite topic, but the show is entertaining no matter what it covers, and they put on a good show. The problem is that most of it is so hard to believe. Go »


Even unconsciousness can't keep my brain from coming up with lousy puns. I just dreamed that another GM was telling me about this adventure game he was putting together... "So the heroes enter the forest, and before long they come across this little gingerbread house, with a sign that says PAY TOLL. Go »

Only in the Web Era

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Goodbye, Kai

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The Ten Best Films of 2010 That I Saw

10) The Other Guys - An offbeat and frequently hilarious comedy seemingly performed by the seats of the actors' pants. Its randomness may turn off some, but the jokes clicked for me. How nice to have a movie so reminiscent of The Naked Gun in the year of Leslie Nielsen's passing. Go »