Steve Dunn is bemused when people speak out against corporate America, as if it's a bad thing that they give millions of people jobs and create the products & services that enrich our lives. I'm with him, but sometimes I do get tired of being treated like a number.

I've been a good tenant at this apartment complex for three years – always paid rent on time, no loud parties or messy pets or maintenance problems. But a few months ago, it slipped my mind to pay the rent on time. Within an hour of their office opening the next day, there was an eviction notice on my door, with a testy letter warning me to pay in 72 hours or they'd toss my ass out. Isn't it possible that I just forgot? How about a courtesy call to remind me, before playing Martin Luther and nailing a proclamation on my door? There may be some perpetual deadbeats in this neighborhood that deserve the harsh treatment, but not me. I miss renting a house from a small local company who knew me by name, and who gave me courtesy and consideration before escalating problems.

I was reminded of this today by my Internet service provider. I've been a faithful customer for the same three years, always paying in full every month without delay. Last month I forgot to pay on time; they gave me a courtesy call and got their money right away. Apparently it happened again, because tonight I got a knock on my door from the tech they dispatched to my apartment to turn off service; the only way I could keep it was to give him a check on the spot, which I did. Is this sort of intimidation necessary? Next time, are they going to send a mafia thug to break my kneecaps? I've praised this ISP to friends since the nearby competitor is terrible, but I'm going to be a lot less complimentary about them from now on.

Two Replies to The Angry Number

Jackie Mason | April 10, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Lori Lancaster | April 10, 2008
[hidden by author request]

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