Correction to my earlier post - we have now seen almost to the end of season 2 of QAF (Darrell decided to watch it after all) and it seems only season 1 is really amazing. Perhaps it gets better again later, I don't know. Is it any coincidence that season 1 is the one copied almost directly from the British version?
We ordered the British version from - awesome website by the way, they often seem to have DVDs really cheap that you can't even get on and the shipping is not so terribly much either. We've got the new computer set up to play region 2 DVDs - so far we only own that one and I'm Alan Partridge season 2. At first I didn't know what to think of the British version because it is *so* close to the American, the main differences being the actors are less hot and you have to turn the brightness up on your TV to see what is going on... But now I like it - obviously the British are the ones that deserve the credit for the idea, and I also approve of the (fairly subtle) plot differences. I like the way the British will make a self contained show and then finish it when it is time for it to end rather than keeping it going for season after dreary season. Same with the British version of The Office. Heh well for those of you with high speed internet, which is probably everybody in this century, apparently Hulu has the British QAF, but it is modified to some extent, mainly the music, and I've heard that apparently whenever they mention that the boy having sex with the 29 year old man is only 15 they bleep it out.... haha.. and this is mentioned a lot...

Prayer for the Paranoid

Denise Sawicki posts whatever she feels able to post without serious consequences Read more »

I wish I wasn't such a freakin idiot about cars

Seems like every time I need an oil change they want to do $600 of service on my car even though it's running fine. It's getting so I absolutely dread oil changes because I feel like such an idiot not knowing what I really need done to the stupid car and I feel like an asshole if I say anything about it. I hate my stupid car. Go »

Sewing completed

Well yeah... I sewed a cape.. I am rather impressed with myself, though if you could see it up close you would see what a sloppy job I did. Go »


OK, I've read the reviews saying Torchwood is a terrible show that is nothing but gratuitous sex and violence but I gotta say I kind of disagree and kind of like it. Thanks to our public library for stocking such a non-educational program :P. Buffy fans particularly seem to despise this program but what the heck, I like both... Go »

door to door salesperson

Well last night I had somewhat of a weird experience when this wacky lady came to our door to sell some cleaning supplies for $37 a bottle... I normally do not buy anything from solicitors but she had me flustered and I was cracking up at everything she was saying... Didn't want to send her away empty handed after her lengthy comedy show. Go »

stupid water

I guess I'm just not cut out for dealing with anything the slightest bit stressful. Well, I already knew that. So we had our all-time record flood and it has dropped almost 6 feet since then but now they are saying there is going to be a second crest of the river even higher than the first sometime in April. Go »

supernaturally unlucky

Back among some of the first posts I made to this blog I had one called "False Hope" and another called "Another Irritating Thing". Well the same kind of thing has happened numerous more times to Darrell, but in the realm of writing, not music. Darrell and Darrin decided they were going to be writers... Go »