So, was watching the magically tragical Artificial Intelligence: AI tonight, when I got to wondering about the whereabouts of kid who saw dead people. Apparently, I was not alone in this musing...

"My flab..." -- ha!

Five Creepy Things (no arguments here)

MTV Salutes... -- a tribute?

That last link, however, fails to include the star of the creep-fest I just saw yesterday (the excellently volatile young Spock from this year's ST) that made me feel pretty okay about not having any of my own... yiii.

Nocturnal e-Musings

Amy Austin counts down the days until... something... Read more »

...and the computer gods said, "Let there be light!"

I'm too all over the place with visiting, housecleaning and sporadically surfing the Net while getting accustomed to the entirely different feel of Vista to say much besides I GOT A NEW LAPTOP!!! Yes, E bought me a real nice Gateway FX laptop, and I'm feeling like I imagine it must feel to be a heroin addict in relapse -- my dealer just called me up and told me he had some *really great stuff*, and I am feeling that ecstatic comfort and joy of having "the Internets" back in my veins... ;-p Go »


I don't remember if I made any mention here (aside from any private messages) about my grandmother's death at the end of April. It was rather sudden/unexpected, given her condition at the time... and, considering all other grief in my life at present, I took it a lot better than I ever thought I would -- I was closer to her than any other member of my family (probably true in both senses, actually). Go »

Still in Kansas, Thankfully (or North Carolina, anyway!)

Apparently, a tornado hit Maysville, NC Sunday, missing "my" house (or Ed's, with a lot of my things still in it) by about a mile. Used to browse that store for good junk! Go »

Feeling Like Crying...

...but also like I am simply out of tears. Heart is heavy. Go »

Painful Life = Even More Painful Dreams...

I don't know if I feel quite brave or open enough (a shocking thing for me to say... at least to me, anyway) to share the raw and emotional details of the dream I had this morning, but... suffice it to say that I have enough difficulty trying to get through the heartbreak of my waking hours -- I *don't* need that shit following me to bed when I'm trying to do my best to sleep it off at night!!! Go »

Bummer, Aaron...

I just read your last blog post, and I'm really sorry. I know you said "no reply", but I hope you won't mind my addressing you here in my own blog... so far only seemingly reserved for similarly worrisome topics. Go »