I'm not even halfway through paying off my new car and already it's being towed to have the engine worked on, since it won't start tonight. It didn't deal well with Kelly's camping event last weekend, coming home with creaking suspension and broken power locks, and now this. He's hoping all four tires (just replaced in the spring) make it through GooCon this time. I'm sure some random thing will happen next, like the paint will fall off.

Added bonus: Our TV stopped working tonight too. Our home is a happy place right now.

Three Replies to Who's Got (Car) Trouble

Jackie Mason | August 20, 2009
[hidden by author request]

Scott Hardie | August 20, 2009
Shared car. Thank goodness Kelly started a new job last week so we can pay for this. (I didn't mention that. I really need to blog more often.) There was a thunderstorm that probably explains the TV, and anything else we haven't discovered yet. We just had the apartment complex fix the broken A/C today, but that was free.

Amy Austin | August 20, 2009
Now that my truck is paid off, I am watching it slowly fall apart, too. Suspension is shot, power windows and locks have been failing for some time now, and yes, there actually is paint "falling off" now, too (a mystery spot on back door is chipping away -- don't know how it got there). Since I completely lack the funds to fix everything that needs it, and *still* would even with a job (the one I'm currently gunning for -- meter reader for the utility company -- will likely be a cut from what I get on unemployment... which is also getting quite uncomfortably depleted), and since continued disrepair only leads to further disrepair... there is no reason to expect anything other than the steady decline and eventual junking of my truck -- something that takes a lot of joy out of having a paid-off vehicle, to be sure.

If I could even remotely consider taking on a car payment (I can't even afford the insurance that I will have to start paying for once Ed drops me from the agreed-upon period of coverage), I might take advantage of the "cash for clunkers" program currently being used to bribe us into "stimulating" the auto industry. I fucking hate being unemployed and broke. And without any net whatsoever.

Logical Operator

The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

R.I.P. Katie

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Moving Day

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