- There are different kinds of Frisbees, like heavy ones for putting and thin ones for long drives.

- There's no sweeter sound than the jangle of those chains when your disc drops in.

- Yelling "fore!" after throwing the Frisbee will not stop people from getting mad about being hit with a Frisbee.

- Nine holes of disc golf is fun. Eighteen holes feels like too much. This is especially true when the ninth hole ends only a few feet from your car.

- Most contemporary excuse for poor play: "Wii Elbow."

- Use the amateur tee when you can't even cover the distance between it and the further-back pro tee in one throw.

- Keep your fingernails trim. Picking up a Frisbee too carelessly will halfway pry off a fingernail.

- Come on! Somebody throw already!

- Don't be ashamed to go with the pink Frisbee. It's all but impossible to lose in the brush.

- You've been out there four hours. Everyone else is just as tired and ready to quit as you are.

- If there is poison ivy in Florida, I'm infected as I type this.

- Kelly made friends with a really good group of people.

Seven Replies to Things I Learned About Disc Golf Today

Steve West | November 23, 2008
Any way to make this part of GooCon 2? I've never played but I can throw a frisbee like a sumbitch.

Amy Austin | November 23, 2008
I *love* Frisbee golf -- haven't played since college, though. One more good reason for GC2 in Florida. And yes... there is poison ivy.

Scott Hardie | November 23, 2008
It's on the ideas list for a future GooCon.

The last point is incorrect, since I already knew these people are good people, but it seemed nice to say.

Jackie Mason | November 23, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Amy Austin | November 24, 2008
Two afterthoughts on the above:

Yes, there is poison ivy in Florida... but I've never encountered it in Frisbee golf. Not sure I want to play the same course Scott is playing!

Great. One *more* thing to have to compete with Steve West at -- and discover that he is better. Yes, I see you writing your movie reviews... yes, yes, I see you RB champion.

Steve West | November 24, 2008
I can catch poison ivy like a sumbitch too. Don't even think of challenging me at that!

Amy Austin | November 24, 2008
Sweet. Good to know. ;-)

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