Anyone can say something stupid every once in a while, of course. But the celebrities featured on this website sure seem to make a habit of it. Only one quote per customer but they probably make up the usual suspects in the dumb quote hall of shame.

Three Replies to Dumb Celebrity Quotes

Amy Austin | October 23, 2007
And somehow, in light of all those, I find the good President Bush's to be the dumbest. I suppose that what he's really trying to say is that he's open-minded... although I haven't seen much evidence of that during his administration...

Kris Weberg | October 23, 2007
I actually don't think the Linda Evangelista quote is all that stupid. Cliched, sure, but not exactly dumb.

Steve West | October 23, 2007
I'm forced to agree, having the same sense when I posted this. That Tara Reid quote threw me for a few minutes. I thought, "She's merely being humble, what's so dumb about that?" Ah, rock - now I get it.

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