This week's mini-flood o' links.

Ridiculous weatherman names. These are real. My wife subjects me to #11 nightly. I hate that guy.
List and video clips of the greatest horror movie weapons. I'd use any on #11 above. Twice.
My new band name: The Low Blood Pressures
Bach's Air on bottles.
Give this guy money in advance and he claims he'll send you stuff in the mail.
Best of TV show putdowns.
Looking for that latest addition to your headless doll collection? Better hurry. According to this guy, they're selling fast.
Stand-up of the week: Pablo Francisco

Six Replies to Little Hoover Dam Break

Amy Austin | March 3, 2008
Immoderations Beachy Head
(my band name pick)

2nd pick: Cancer

Amy Austin | March 3, 2008
Scratch both of those... nothing can beat this one:

Phnom Penh Poitiers

Amy Austin | March 3, 2008
Unless you're going for simple.


(Thanks, Steve... this should provide hours of profoundly pointless entertainment... and a never-ending quest for the perfect band name -- too much.)

Amy Austin | March 4, 2008
All in a row, I *swear*: "The Emptied", "The Chippy", & "The Xantippe"

Aaron Shurtleff | March 5, 2008
Golly! I think I'll send that guy $10 to think about me for a minute. I could use some deep contemplation! :P

Although, some star sand from Iriomote would be cool. I'd want to go there myself, though. I want to see one of those Iriomote cats I've heard so much about!!

Amy Austin | March 5, 2008
That guy is a genius. I should have thought of it first.

But... *I* can think about you for *two* minutes for $15, Aaron -- I'm sure that I don't need to point out what a savings that is (25%!) -- what a deal! ...Or I could just do it for free. But no e-mail confirmations for that price -- sorry.

Web Junkie

Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Homer Sings

Do-Re-Mi as sung by Homer Simpson DOh - The stuff that buys me beer. RAY - The guy that sells me beer. ME - The guy who drinks the beer. Go »

It's Saturday And You Know What That Means...

Shopping Day. I went grocery shopping earlier today because I had the afternoon free and I prefer to get it done when I have the chance as opposed to shopping at night because that's the only time available after a full day's activity. Added bonus: no UOAS. Go »

Watch Your Step

Stuff I stumbled upon this week. Oldie but still funny - Go »

Lauren Peeks Into Imelda's Closet

Lauren is at Summer Camp until tomorrow and while she was gone, I sent her a card. It's become traditional for the card to be "shoe-themed". This year, the outside of the card featured a picture of the president awarding her a prize. Go »

Christmas Post #11: Niche Market Dolls

In Waiting For Guffman, Christopher Guest play acts with his My Dinner With Andre action figures. That was the funniest moment of the film for me. I could see something similar happening with almost any of the dolls in this collection. Go »

Vacation Week II

Took the girls to a petting zoo where they could not only look at the animals but interact as well. Saw some things of interest to me; an albino peacock (well, I don't know if it was albino but it was all white); petted a llama (their hair is kinda rough); the world's fattest rabbit (big as a poodle!); pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, turkeys & chickens & roosters (oh, my); a beautiful garden of vegetables and flowers; and lots of ducks and geese. Go »