Well I figured I should mention my health thingy is OK and I don't have to get any more tests for another year... :P The weeks are going by really fast, it's quite alarming.

and alcohol is fun. We had an $8 bottle of port. It was incredible. You want to drink it just for the taste and not only because it can get you drunk. :P Next Darrell had me get some Knob Creek whiskey which is considerably more expensive but it was on sale so he couldn't pass it up. Well that is 50% alcohol and I made the mistake of trying a *cautious* sip which was just nauseatingly strong, but if you knock back a big gulp you don't notice the alcohol until later and it kind of tastes like root beer. Hey my defense is I never drank in college so I am catching up now. Why do I feel defensive, I dunno. I'll only drink when I'm already happy, it's no fun drinking when you're depressed...

One Reply to Nothing much

Jackie Mason | March 6, 2007
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