When I flew to Fargo a while back for Denise's wedding, I woke up at 2am to be out the door by 3am to get to Tampa by 4am to check in by 5am for a 6am flight. I stepped into the long Delta check-in line an hour and fifteen minutes before my flight, but I was concerned at the signs all over the place saying I would be turned away if I arrived less than an hour before the flight. Sure enough, it took me half an hour to get through the line, and the rude Delta clerk refused to let me on the plane even though I could easily make it to the gate in time. I wound up sitting around the airport for hours and lost a whole day of my visit to Fargo, arriving that evening instead of that morning. I was ready to swear never to fly Delta again, and now I wish I'd done so.

What kind of operation are they running? The flight from Sarasota to Atlanta last night took forever to get off the ground, flew longer than was scheduled, and then sat on the ground for a seeming eternity. (Yes, this is largely the airport's fault.) I hustled as quickly as my aching legs could carry my fat ass to the next gate and arrived with five minutes to spare, but the door was closed and they wouldn't admit me. The plane was still sitting right there at the gate with people taking their seats, but "the door is closed" is apparently eternal law once enacted. I had to sit for 90 minutes to catch the next flight to Milwaukee, a puddle jumper that was the single most painful flight I've ever taken. My mom is a petite woman compared to me (photo), but even she would have had her elbow in the next person's face in this sliver of a seat. I had it so bad that even crammed against the window, my other arm was so far into the next seat that the woman beside me spent the two-hour flight doubled over reading her book at her knees. The armrests carved into my thighs and my butt wasn't even actually touching the seat. I realize I'm much bigger than the ordinary traveler and I expect pain when I fly, but this was ridiculous; I can't imagine a normal person fitting into this arrangement. I was on the verge of tears halfway through; I don't know if I could have made it if they hadn't arrived a half hour early. I sure hope I'm not stuck on another one for the return trip.

It's been great fun since I landed, though. Matt and I stayed up till 5am laughing and reminiscing and dropping bombshells about our new selves, most of which I shouldn't share here. We're off to visit old friends in Illinois tonight and return tomorrow for video-game shopping and General-Tso's-eating. Photos when I get back.

Two Replies to Screw Delta (Gotta Rant)

Jackie Mason | October 6, 2006
[hidden by author request]

Scott Hardie | October 6, 2006
Hear, hear. Try investigating other airlines. I flew Airtran for each of my recent trips to Chicago and got used to upgrading to business class at the ticket counter for $50, and so I was a bit surprised when I flew Delta to Milwaukee and asked to upgrade and was told it would cost hundreds of dollars. Here's sticking to Airtran.

Logical Operator

The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

Breaking Monopoly

My latest pastime has been seeing if I can rig a video game of Monopoly to give me infinite money. It turns out that I can, but it's incredibly tedious, far more so than I thought. I like to play with the NES version, because it's just colorful and fun enough without being too sophisticated in its AI. Go »

Warp Zone

President Bush has a new advisor: (link) Go »

Scott's Pet Peeve #8446

Not all mobile phones mix a qwerty keypad with their main numerical keypad, but I have an old Blackberry that does. That makes me especially frustrated by companies that only provide a letter-based phone number without showing a numerical alternative (800-LIKE-THIS). I just went to cancel Nutrisystem, and of course they require you to call a counselor rather than just cancel online, and the only number they give is 888-459-THIN. Go »


She hasn't come out and told me yet, but it seems pretty clear that my mom is engaged, or at least planning to get married to her boyfriend. I wish them both happiness, especially my mom after eleven solitary years as a widow. This is great news for both of them! Go »

Sinners and Losers

Last week, Katherine Harris publicly denounced the first amendment, calling it "a lie" and said that we were supposed to be a nation of religious law. She also said that not to vote for a Christian is to vote for sin. (link) Apparently in Florida that gets you elected: Yesterday she enjoyed a landslide 50% victory over her competitors in the Senate Republican primary despite a bumbling campaign. Go »

That's All I Have to Say About That

Remember those somber anti-piracy messages before theatrical movies a couple of years ago? Like the near-weepy set painter whose wife and kids were going to live in the poorhouse if you illegally downloaded The Big Chill? They must have had an effect on me, because instead of sadness or sympathy, they were all I could think about when I read that the make-up artist for Forrest Gump killed herself and her husband. Go »