I regret if my rantings around this site have come across either whiny, as I coped with illnesses and a busy schedule, or hypocritical, as I griped about Christmas cheer while still participating in the holiday. I don't regret if they came across as self-centered.

Three Replies to It's All About Me

Jackie Mason | December 29, 2006
[hidden by author request]

Amy Austin | December 31, 2006
Hear, hear!

(Though, I did reply in another post with a question on why some of these things aren't started as discussions in TC... particularly, the news items. It makes perfect sense to me for a blog to be about yourself and your personal life -- perhaps eradicating the TC category of "Life"? -- but other events seem to ask to be on the forum. Oh, well... what the hell do I know about it.)

Scott Hardie | January 5, 2007
Good point, Amy. I struggled over whether to include the Hussein hanging item just now in TC, since people will probably want to discuss the subject there. But the thing I want to say about it is the only thing I want to say about it, and it's such a personal statement that it doesn't seem to be part of a group statement.

Logical Operator

The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

Upsetting the Pace

Gen. Peter Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on homosexuality (link): "I believe homosexual acts between two individuals are immoral and that we should not condone immoral acts... I do not believe the United States is well served by a policy that says it is OK to be immoral in any way." Go »

Long Live Scott's Other New Car

I never thought I'd write these words, but I'm the delighted new owner of a Hummer H2. It's all black, brand new in perfect condition. I've already got it tricked out with glowing ground-effects lights on the undercarriage and special extra-thick tires for off-roading. Go »

Not Exactly Red Hot

Her: "What's that CD you're holding?" Me: "Chili Peppers. I still haven't gotten over their album from last summer." Go »

Moving Day

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Breaking Monopoly

My latest pastime has been seeing if I can rig a video game of Monopoly to give me infinite money. It turns out that I can, but it's incredibly tedious, far more so than I thought. I like to play with the NES version, because it's just colorful and fun enough without being too sophisticated in its AI. Go »

Not in My Back Yard

I love Unsolved Mysteries. The show told such interesting stories in perfect bite-size pieces, and knew how to make the hair on your neck stand up. I wish they were more objective in their reporting and didn't rely on pseudoscience as evidence (using psychics to prove ghosts and polygraph results to condemn criminals), but damn they put on an entertaining show. Go »