Denise Sawicki

Pronouns: she/her/her
Birthdate: 1977-03-14
Current Home: Fargo, ND
Schools: University of Rochester (NY)
Job: computer programmer
Favorite Music: Tigermilk by Belle & Sebastian. Lazer Guided Melodies by Spiritualized, The Bends by Radiohead, etc... Also anything by Darrell's band, The Cedars.
Favorite TV Shows: The Office (especially British version), Alan Partridge, Flight of the Conchords, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Little House on the Prairie, Babylon 5, Torchwood, Beverly Hills 90210
Family: The family I see most are my husband Darrell Albert and his twin brother Darrin.
Pets: Philip the sheltie born 1/11/06
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