The following list shows all notable changes made within the last year. All entries are written by Scott Hardie.

March 10, 2024: I made a few tweaks to the display of data on the Predict the Oscars to better accommodate the large number of players this year. The page needs a redesign that isn't feasible today, but hopefully that can happen before next year's contest.

December 4, 2023: In The MCU Project, TV specials are now scheduled like episodes of TV (ie. up to two episodes or specials per week), and short films are now included in the list of future titles that can be spoiled when writing a comment.

November 30, 2023: I added a sidebar element promoting the current week in The MCU Project.

Changes to Thorough Movie Reviews are sometimes mentioned on the Funeratic News page instead, when they're part of site-wide alterations.