These members have written movie reviews:
more: Mike Eberhart (2 reviews), Anna Gregoline (1 review), Steve Dunn (1 review), Ryan Dunn (1 review), and Lorrie Cozzens (1 review)
These members have written replies to movie reviews:
more: Chris Lemler (2 replies), Tony Peters (1 reply), Allison Bair (1 reply), Melissa Anderson (1 reply), and Dave Stoppenhagen (1 reply)
Movie Discussions
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Three Clues: Movies
These members have added movies to Three Clues for other players to guess:
Three Clues: Guesses
These members have identified movies in Three Clues:
more: Mike Eberhart (2 solves) and Elaine Beckland (2 solves)
Predict the Oscars
These members have scored points in Predict the Oscars:
more: Anna Gregoline (780 points), Stefanie Schneider (764 points), Rodney Worsham (742 points), Dave Guthmann (676 points), Samir Mehta (674 points), Steve Dunn (643 points), Jackie Mason (623 points), Justin Woods (623 points), David Mitzman (606 points), Claudiu Cristian Dobre (606 points), Ryan Dunn (598 points), John Huerta (584 points), Matt Dy (578 points), Evie Totty (575 points), Mike Rothstein (574 points), James K Chambliss (553 points), Scott Horowitz (504 points), Jason Turer (501 points), Thomas Irving (471 points), Kevin Reed (465 points), Brandy Clever (454 points), Nathan Austin (449 points), Babak Jamali (448 points), Jason Melo (439 points), Sarah Kyle (437 points), Thi Ton (430 points), Divij Kak (427 points), Angela Lathem-Ballard (426 points), Jonathan Wells (416 points), Marshall Flores (406 points), Robert Chardello (392 points), Teresa Booker (387 points), Phil Duon (387 points), Glenn Gralak (376 points), Sal Monetti (371 points), John King (363 points), Christopher Etrata (350 points), Lori Lancaster (340 points), Aaron Shurtleff (324 points), Amy Dunn (324 points), Billy Marston (323 points), Jennifer Lee (309 points), Philip Gallegos (301 points), Neil Lapinsky (300 points), Amy Austin (299 points), Brice Newsham (299 points), David Turer (299 points), Matt Mullowney (296 points), Joshua Mitchell (291 points), Kandace Worsham (290 points), Danny Keith (284 points), Sharon Keith (283 points), Dion Blackler (281 points), Russ Wilhelm (279 points), Megan Baxter (278 points), Arron Paul Sese (273 points), Roy Galberth (272 points), Rob Eddy (266 points), Aaron Sinner (263 points), David Tsung (256 points), Mike Eberhart (254 points), Danny Porcaro (251 points), Darin Robbins (244 points), Christopher Fiore (227 points), Jason Jones (222 points), Randy Gross (221 points), Scott A Pugely (214 points), Jenni Wilson (210 points), Daniel Palomera (205 points), Todd Wallinger (203 points), Chris Webb (202 points), Floyd Griffin (201 points), Anastasia Hyden (200 points), Andrew Meyer (198 points), Joshua Clement (198 points), Jonathan Wells (195 points), Brian Robinson (193 points), Fei Meng (192 points), LB Shilling (191 points), Haslyn Roberts (188 points), James Syta (186 points), Tung Ton (186 points), Michael Brown (183 points), K. R. (182 points), Don Sauer (182 points), Hannah Chappell (174 points), Gary Turer (169 points), Joanna Woods (168 points), Gordon Purcell (167 points), Gerardo Davila (165 points), Ido Kadman (164 points), Eric Vandenhaas (163 points), Rosemary Hyden (162 points), Tony Peters (161 points), Nathanail Foshee (159 points), Lisa Coburn (156 points), Kris Weberg (154 points), Richard Slominsky (152 points), James Brooks (136 points), Jerry Mathis (134 points), Michael Paul Cote (131 points), Gabe Reynolds (128 points), Caleb Worsham (126 points), Scott Baumann (125 points), Nadine Russell (123 points), Adrianne Rodgers (122 points), Barton Randall (120 points), Sam Ballard (118 points), Rick Lefere (113 points), Odell Phipps (111 points), Nina Vignjevic (110 points), Dane Marvin (110 points), Jon Lewak (109 points), Christopher Etrata (108 points), Kelly Lee (107 points), Jamie Jensen (107 points), Anne Heckman (104 points), Karen Schultz (104 points), Sidney Applebaum (104 points), Michael Clarke (103 points), Thomas Brown (103 points), Lydia Terrell (103 points), Jeff Coutts (103 points), Alex Polak (102 points), Jonghee Quispe (102 points), Zee Kaye (101 points), Dave Guthmann (101 points), Peter Tipold (100 points), Arlene Tanksley (100 points), David Kilmer (100 points), Ian Keith (100 points), Mario Di Carlo (98 points), Brian Clores (98 points), Michael Schonert (98 points), Timothy Workman (98 points), Meridyth Orner (98 points), Kenny Orozco (98 points), Jeanette Jackson (98 points), Jovan Dragan Mircetic (97 points), Drew Pet (97 points), Jennifer Mullowney (97 points), Craig Horleman (97 points), Anders Nørgaard Didriksen (96 points), Bobby Umar (96 points), Victor Trapp (96 points), Alex Belicov (96 points), Kenneth Orozco (96 points), Denise Duspiva (95 points), Chandler Burns (95 points), Ed Nemmers (95 points), Melissa Anderson (94 points), Stephan Olbina (94 points), Gregg Houston (94 points), Catie Griesdorn (94 points), Andrea Shaw (94 points), Jason Florin (94 points), Kelly Kilmer (94 points), Rytch Barber (93 points), Jonghee Celeste Quispe (93 points), Gerard Joseph Daniels (92 points), Olga Belicova (92 points), Justine Elliott (91 points), Tommy Gorman (91 points), J.R. Meehl (91 points), Dan Sheridan (91 points), Ian Keith (91 points), Olivia Worsham (91 points), Dana Newman (90 points), Russ Rivard (90 points), Aliza Morse (90 points), Asa K (90 points), Robert Keller (89 points), Lindsey Cobb (89 points), John Maliniak (88 points), Zak Elioff (88 points), Kenneth Orozco (88 points), Ryan Malik (88 points), Chad Palmer (88 points), Geoff Roberts (88 points), Taylor Jefferson (88 points), Richard Chronister (88 points), Brian Robinson (88 points), Soo Tan (87 points), Casey VanPolen (86 points), Earle Robinson (86 points), Marlene Trapp (86 points), Roger Willis (86 points), Barbara Klein (85 points), Alex McVey (84 points), Kristina Hole (84 points), Bill Folger (83 points), Phyllis Joy (82 points), Hayley White (82 points), Diane Guthmann (82 points), Robert Perrine (82 points), Barb Burksaitis (82 points), Swan Victoria Odom (81 points), Karen Lindvig (81 points), Keith Dudzik (81 points), Hannah Chappell (81 points), Barry Diamond (81 points), Kandace Worsham (81 points), Massimo Oriani (80 points), Sandra Mitchell (80 points), Todd Wallinger (80 points), Joy H Rodowicz (79 points), John LaCarter (79 points), Noah Ramer (78 points), Raffaele Nesci (78 points), Paul Clifford (77 points), Marcus Sitonio (77 points), Jean-Luc Tardif (77 points), Rob Zagoudis (76 points), Calvin Grigsby (75 points), Kat Col (75 points), S Perkins (75 points), Guillermo Lopez (75 points), Theresa Gurin (74 points), Joe Ball (73 points), Howard Bilecky (73 points), Wes Bryant (72 points), Eliz Good (72 points), Jesse Vengrove (71 points), Jeffrey Coutts (71 points), Jean Feingold (70 points), Bob Tschinkel (69 points), Steve Elliser (67 points), Kurtis Fertman (67 points), Gus Horowitz (67 points), Marc Kelley (66 points), Greg Bair (66 points), Jon Berry (66 points), Michelle Balosky (66 points), Randall Hendricks (66 points), Leo Lesniak (65 points), Lori S. (64 points), Walter Chesser (64 points), Sandy Giacomini (64 points), Anthony Wood (64 points), Lynne Wieferich (64 points), Michael Koliomichalis (63 points), Jason Shlau (63 points), Lewis Wise (63 points), C. K. (62 points), Kevin Lesniak (62 points), Jacob Gonyea (62 points), Judy Lesniak (61 points), Jay Manna (60 points), Jesse Morales (60 points), Jeffrey Coutts (60 points), Christine Marie Doiron (58 points), Alex Lesniak (57 points), Laura Snipes (56 points), Martie Emory (56 points), Dennis Wuorenma (55 points), Saul Vesecky (55 points), Jim Kraus (54 points), Nancy Fahlberg (54 points), Vicki Moore (53 points), Brad Averill (52 points), Meg ORourke (51 points), Jake Conlin (51 points), Martin Peter Pegler (50 points), Joan Hardie (46 points), John E Gunter (45 points), John Pierpoint (45 points), John Mcquarrie (45 points), LaVonne Lemler (44 points), Erin Lesniak (44 points), Scott Weinmann (44 points), Dale Connors (44 points), Jeff Dearman (41 points), Olivia Johnston (41 points), Sammy Gilbert (40 points), Hubert Dorris (40 points), Erik Bowen (33 points), Jason Peter Fedorow (30 points), Dan Donovan (30 points), Lilly Kyle (29 points), Elizabeth Brooks (29 points), Derek Diercksmeier (28 points), Eric Wallhagen (26 points), Joanne Martin (24 points), Brannan Conrad (22 points), Justin Conner (17 points), and Denise Sawicki (10 points)