The following list shows all notable changes made within the last year. All entries are written by Scott Hardie.

June 15, 2024: In Display Options, the option to hide whole sections of the site from view has been eliminated. Few people used it, and it led to problems with not being able to access needed functionality, such as people subscribing to categories of email in Manage Subscriptions and then not being to unsubscribe because they hid the corresponding section of the site from view. Coding so many exceptions to handle these "work-flow" conflicts is no longer something that I'm willing to keep doing.

May 9, 2024: News pages across the site will no longer mention all changes, but instead only mention notable changes. I already make way too many quick bug fixes and minor wording clarifications that I forget to mention because they're just too minor, so this merely changes the "official" policy to match what mostly already occurs.

January 16, 2024: I fixed a bug preventing certain members-only pages like Messages and Account Options from showing up in the site search results. (No member-only content on those pages was being returned, only the title of the page and a generic "log in or register in order to use this page" message.)

December 16, 2023: The "Close Account" form in Account Options is fixed. It also now hides your password as you type it.

December 12, 2023: I added some extra steps to avoid duplicate accounts, in anticipation of the upcoming Oscars season when many returning players tend to register new accounts instead of logging into their old ones. The process will now better recognize duplicates and merely log in the returning player instead of proceeding with registration, and it now collects more data for me if I need to do manual corrections.

November 3, 2023: The sections of the site are now listed in order of their debut, so Thorough Movie Reviews (1999) always comes before Tragic Comedy (2001).

October 27, 2023: Three new items have been added to The History of Funeratic.

October 21, 2023: Google Analytics has been removed from the site.

September 12, 2023: I fixed a bug preventing registration of a new member account.

September 12, 2023: I fixed a bug preventing the Manage Subscriptions page from opening in some cases, and another bug preventing some indexing of site content from working (which interferes with search results on the site, search engines accessing site content, and more).

July 29, 2023: Errors started happening across the site this evening. Many have been fixed already tonight, but some remain. See a TC discussion for more info.

July 27, 2023: The site homepage, and the main menu page for each of the four sections of the site, have been removed from the "Today's Popular Pages" sidebar.

July 26, 2023: I fixed a bug preventing some content from displaying correctly at the bottom of the Manage Subscriptions page.

News by Section

Each section of Funeratic has its own news page with announcements:
Celebrity Goo Game

Thorough Movie Reviews
Tragic Comedy
Rock Block