Justin Woods
Tweek Productions


Scott Hardie
Green Destiny Music

Trade Rule

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.

Play Rules

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.


Justin won the concert with six artists remaining to Scott's four artists.

Turn Log

Start: This concert began automatically on October 10, 2015.

Turn 1: Scott played Unknown Artist to Downstage Right on October 10, 2015.

Turn 2: Justin played Unknown Artist to Upstage Right on October 10, 2015.

Turn 3: Scott played Unknown Artist to Stage Right on October 10, 2015.

Turn 4: Justin played Unknown Artist to Downstage on October 10, 2015. Unknown Artist were captured at Downstage Right.

Turn 5: Scott played Unknown Artist to Upstage Left on October 11, 2015.

Turn 6: Justin played Unknown Artist to Downstage Left on October 11, 2015.

Turn 7: Scott played Unknown Artist to Upstage on October 11, 2015. Unknown Artist were captured at Upstage Right.

Turn 8: Justin played Unknown Artist to Center Stage on October 11, 2015. Unknown Artist were captured at Upstage. Unknown Artist were captured at Stage Right.

Turn 9: Scott played Unknown Artist to Stage Left on October 11, 2015. Unknown Artist was captured at Center Stage.


Unknown Artist (R6, 2 2 4 5)Unknown Artist (R10, 8 9 5 9)Unknown Artist (R5, 3 1 3 3)
Unknown Artist (R8, 3 8 5 6)Unknown Artist (R7, 9 5 3 5)Unknown Artist (R6, 3 1 2 4)
Unknown Artist (R7, 8 3 6 2)Unknown Artist (R8, 6 3 4 9)Unknown Artist (R4, 3 1 1 2)

Justin's Unplayed Artist

Unknown Artist (R2, 3 4 1 2)


Scott Hardie | October 11

Well played. :-)

Justin Woods | October 11

Thanks. Did have a question on how I can get a R10 from my wins. I have enough to get one but only see R5 as the highest card allowed.

Scott Hardie | October 11

That's the "you must always collect a certain number of artists at lower ranks for artists of higher ranks to be available" rule rearing its ugly head. You need more R9s for an R10 to become available, but you also need more R8s to get another R9, and more R7s to get another R8, and more R6s to get another R7, and more R5s to get another R6. Promotions will gradually raise the value of all of your artists and eventually they'll be high enough that you can skip over some levels, but for now it's fastest just to keep collecting the highest available artist each time. When the "Happy Together" tournament ends, you'll get a nice lump sum of ranks at once.

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