Steve West
Dividing By Zero Records


Chris Lemler
Disc golf freak


Hitsville U.S.A.: From the tightly choreographed girl groups and all-male quartets & quintets of the 1960s, through the more personal visions of the serious artists of the 1970s, the Motown record label has left an indelible stamp on rock and roll history, and nurtured the careers of many popular African American entertainers. Taking place at its Detroit headquarters nicknamed "Hitsville U.S.A.," this theme pits Motown's many stars against one another on the same stage.

Trade Rule

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.

Play Rules

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.


This concert ended in a draw with five artists each.

Turn Log

Challenge: Steve issued the challenge on March 5, 2016.

Accepted: Chris agreed to play on March 6, 2016.

Turn 1: Chris played Unknown Artist to Center Stage on March 6, 2016.

Turn 2: Steve played Unknown Artist to Stage Left on March 6, 2016. Unknown Artist were captured at Center Stage.

Turn 3: Chris played Unknown Artist to Upstage Left on March 6, 2016.

Turn 4: Steve played Unknown Artist to Upstage on March 6, 2016.

Turn 5: Chris played Unknown Artist to Upstage Right on March 6, 2016. Unknown Artist were captured at Upstage.

Turn 6: Steve played Unknown Artist to Stage Right on March 6, 2016. Unknown Artist was captured at Upstage Right.

Turn 7: Chris played Unknown Artist to Downstage Right on March 6, 2016. Unknown Artist were captured at Stage Right.

Turn 8: Steve played Unknown Artist to Downstage Left on March 6, 2016.

Turn 9: Chris played Unknown Artist to Downstage on March 6, 2016.


Unknown Artist (R9, 4 9 4 5)Unknown Artist (R8, 2 7 4 3)Unknown Artist (R5, 1 4 3 8)
Unknown Artist (R9, 5 8 8 4)Unknown Artist (R6, 3 6 5 2)Unknown Artist (R7, 7 1 2 9)
Unknown Artist (R8, 9 8 1 4)Unknown Artist (R8, 2 7 4 3)Unknown Artist (R7, 7 1 2 9)

Steve's Unplayed Artist

Unknown Artist (R1, 1 1 3 2)


Steve West | March 6

Nice moves. It appears I'm at a disadvantage and may lose a card. Good job. Let's see if I can manage a draw.

Chris Lemler | March 6

Might be a draw at the most. But let's see like you said :)

Steve West | March 6

That was tough! Good one.

Chris Lemler | March 6

You too well played

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