Scott Hardie
Green Destiny Music


Chris Lemler
Disc golf freak


I Love the '60s: In the 1960s, the British Invasion changed the face of mainstream rock & roll, while the counter-cultural movement gained traction with folk music festivals and love-ins, turning rock music into an engine of cultural change.

Trade Rule

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.

Play Rules

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.


Scott won the concert with six artists remaining to Chris's four artists.

Turn Log

Challenge: Scott issued the challenge on May 21, 2016.

Accepted: Chris agreed to play on May 21, 2016.

Turn 1: Chris played Unknown Artist to Downstage on May 21, 2016.

Turn 2: Scott played Unknown Artist to Center Stage on May 22, 2016. Unknown Artist were captured at Downstage.

Turn 3: Chris played Unknown Artist to Downstage Left on May 22, 2016. Unknown Artist were captured at Downstage.

Turn 4: Scott played Unknown Artist to Downstage Right on May 22, 2016. Unknown Artist were captured at Downstage.

Turn 5: Chris played Unknown Artist to Stage Left on May 22, 2016. Unknown Artist was captured at Center Stage.

Turn 6: Scott played Unknown Artist to Stage Right on May 23, 2016. Unknown Artist was captured at Center Stage.

Turn 7: Chris played Unknown Artist to Upstage Right on May 23, 2016.

Turn 8: Scott played Unknown Artist to Upstage on May 24, 2016.

Turn 9: Chris played Unknown Artist to Upstage Left on May 24, 2016.


Unknown Artist (R10, 10 6 9 10)Unknown Artist (R10, 8 9 5 9)Unknown Artist (R9, 8 7 7 9)
Unknown Artist (R9, 9 7 9 6)Unknown Artist (R7, 3 6 6 1)Unknown Artist (R10, 10 6 9 10)
Unknown Artist (R9, 9 5 6 8)Unknown Artist (R2, 2 3 1 1)Unknown Artist (R9, 9 2 9 8)

Scott's Unplayed Artist

Unknown Artist (R6, 6 9 3 4)


Chris Lemler | May 21

Scott the problem is my job gave a 40 hour position to someone below me and didn't offer me the job. But the problem is that I can't do a damn thing about it cause it's a assistant manager in produce.

Scott Hardie | May 22

I'm sorry to hear that, Chris. I know you've been there a long time and worked hard, and really would have appreciated that position. If you don't mind me asking, have you talked about this with your supervisor since then and said how much you'd like a 40-hour position there when another one opens up?

Chris Lemler | May 22

Apparently the supervisor said that the reason that I didn't get it was because I won't become a checker

Scott Hardie | May 22

Screw that decision. You deserve better. :-( I can't tell if I'd be more mad or more sad in your shoes. You must be both.

Chris Lemler | May 22

Well not according to her

Scott Hardie | May 22

I hope that changes in the future, either at this store or another, or perhaps at another employer. I always wish for good things for you.

Chris Lemler | May 23

Thanks Scott really appreciate that

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