Scott Hardie
Green Destiny Music


Matthew Preston
Roughneck Records


Land of Lincoln: The Illinois music scene is dominated by Chicago, which contributed to modern genres like house music and alternative rock, but is primarily associated with the blues. This theme combines every artist from across the state, whether they came from the city streets or the corn fields, for one big cross-genre concert.

Trade Rule

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.

Play Rules

no play rules


This concert timed out on Matthew's turn, making Scott the winner.

Turn Log

Challenge: Scott issued the challenge on March 9, 2023.

Accepted: Matthew agreed to play on March 15, 2023.

Turn 1: Matthew played Unknown Artist to Downstage on March 15, 2023.

Turn 2: Scott played Unknown Artist to Downstage Right on March 16, 2023. Unknown Artist were captured at Downstage.

Turn 3: Matthew played Unknown Artist to Downstage Left on March 19, 2023. Unknown Artist were captured at Downstage.

Turn 4: Scott played Unknown Artist to Stage Left on March 20, 2023. Unknown Artist were captured at Downstage Left.


Upstage LeftUpstageUpstage Right
Unknown Artist (R5, 6 6 7 0)Center StageStage Right
Unknown Artist (R2, 5 2 0 3)Unknown Artist (R1, 5 1 0 1)Unknown Artist (R1, 2 0 2 3)

Scott's Unplayed Artists

Unknown Artist (R4, 7 6 0 3)Unknown Artist (R3, 3 2 4 4)Unknown Artist (R2, 2 4 1 3)

Matthew's Unplayed Artists

Unknown Artist (R6, 6 5 2 9)Unknown Artist (R5, 6 5 5 3)Unknown Artist (R1, 3 1 3 2)


Matthew Preston | March 19

Hmm, what am I missing here? Shouldn’t my play have captured downstage?

Erik Bates | March 19

Yeah, something broke. I have the same issue on another concert.

Matthew Preston | March 19

And why is the color of the other played cards, white? I’m so confused. Lol.

Erik Bates | March 19

Interestingly, the other concert that this is happening with is also a concert with Scott.

Scott Hardie | March 20

Fixed now. Sorry about that.

Matthew Preston | March 20

No worries. Hope it wasn't a difficult fix!

Scott Hardie | March 20

It was but totally self-inflicted. I've been reorganizing the database after putting it off for years, and I forgot that some concert data, most importantly turn data, is stored differently and needed further adjusting. To be honest, I feel surprised and lucky that I haven't broken more. :-\

The improvements should lead to more standardization and thus fewer errors in the future... but the conversion to get there can be a minefield.

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