Scott Hardie: “It sucked.”

Rarely do I rate a film I have not seen in its entirety, but twenty minutes of this wretched garbage was enough. Working on a friend's computer, I overheard dialogue from this film as her roommate watched it in the living room, and I eventually wandered over to observe a few scenes. It disturbs me that the scenes I considered so execrable as to make the movie a definite must-never-see (the peeing statue, the urine sample with Mini-Me behind the curtain) were the same scenes that Roger Ebert called the funniest. That's the best that movie could do?! I previously had zero interest in seeing any more Austin Powers films; now I have gone beyond zero and will actively pursue not seeing them as an agenda: The next time one is coming out, I will spend the preceding months gleefully looking forward to missing it.

"I still believe that at any time the no-talent police will come and arrest me." --Mike Myers

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