Chris Lemler | January 1, 2013
I hope everyone had a safe and good Holiday....I certainly did!!!!!!! I played Max Payne 3 and finally beat it on new years. I stayed home and watched some tv and had some dental work :) A good way to start the New Years with some good ole dental work. Spend some time with my family and enjoy my family's company!!!!!! I hope that everyone has a great year

Scott Hardie | January 1, 2013
Glad you had a good holiday! Too bad about the dental work but it has to happen.

I had a fantastic weekend with some friends of friends who drove down from Georgia to rent a house in Bradenton for the weekend and play board games for hours on end. It felt like GooCon except I didn't have to do weeks of prep work. :-D

I also worked on an annual review that I recommend everyone doing. It has given me hope for accomplishing so much in 2013.

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