Denise Sawicki | September 26, 2005
Well before you start cursing my name, it is really Scott's fault this goo is so hard :) I left him to come up with the clue, I would have come up with something much easier...

Scott Hardie | September 29, 2005
You mean it actually is hard? I called it that just because I thought it would be hard to average players. I expected several of the expert players to have it right by the end of the first day. Why am I still surprised when I can't predict a goo's difficulty?

Amy Austin | September 29, 2005
Well, I have to confess that I haven't been working as hard at the goo as I usually do... thanks to the 5-POINT (and apparently growing!) lead that I thought I might have nipped a hole in with (0664) & (0665) -- unfortunately, I didn't get (0664) right, and the f*@#ing Phantom got both... (congratulations... I guess... on your f*@#ing Imelda).

The smell of victory isn't so sweet from my end this round... are you happy now, Mike Eberhart?!? ;-D

Mike Eberhart | September 30, 2005
The rounds not over yet... I had a five goo lead also, and you came back to tie me, then win... So, we'll see...

Amy Austin | September 30, 2005
Really... you were that far ahead of me, Mike? Hmm, I guess I remember it being much closer than that -- well, thanks for the pep talk anyhow... ;-D

Heh, that's great... "13" correct guesses for goo (0666)!

Denise Sawicki | September 30, 2005
There's no way I would get 668 right myself if I hadn't happened upon the celebrity right before requesting it. Of course that isn't saying much.

Jackie Mason | October 3, 2005
[hidden by request]

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