Barstool Fucking
Jackie Mason | April 25, 2002
[hidden by request]
Anna Gregoline | April 25, 2002
Discomforting thoughts?
K. R. | April 26, 2002
[hidden by request]
Jackie Mason | April 26, 2002
[hidden by request]
Anna Gregoline | April 28, 2002
Well, I don't know. If the picture is real, she seems to be having a good time.
Scott Hardie | April 29, 2002
I just realized that the new celebrity goo, which is porn-related, might be construed as a continuation of this theme on my web sites. It's not. I took down "Barstool Fucking" because it got old.
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Scott Hardie | April 25, 2002
Temporarily posted at right is an image of a woman having sex with a barstool leg. I believe the picture is a fake, but the humor functions regardless. Five people have called for the removal of this picture, and none have said anything in support of it.
I change the pictures on this site every 7-10 days anyway, but I'm willing to take this one down immediately if one or more people explain to me why they dislike it. I've tried to ask and I don't think I've gotten a straight answer.
A) "It's disgusting." Well, so are a lot of things. Life's disgusting. Would it be different if it were an attractive woman? If so, that's a mean thought. Would it be different if she were using something normal like a dildo instead of a barstool leg? If so, then it wouldn't be humorous and there would be no reason to put it up.
B) "It's pornographic." And it's hardly the first pornographic thing on a web site of mine. They don't appear often, but they do appear. I was going to have one with nudity last fall, but I got rid of it because it was demeaning to women. (I hope no one thinks that about this one.) Anyway, I've put warnings on my sites in the past, and here's a new one: There are bad things on my sites. Christ, the link to the picture includes the word "fucking." This site ain't for kids.
C) "It doesn't seem like your sense of humor." If I didn't think it was funny, why in the hell would I have put it up? Trust me, this is well within the realm of Scott's sense of humor. (I can explain my sense of humor if anyone wants, but I don't think it's necessary.)
D) "It's not funny." I'm not saying that everybody else will find it funny - I merely ask that they understand the joke - but I do think it's funny, and this is my web site, and that should be all there is to it. You can hardly say that all of the other pics that I have ever put in that spot have been funny, so that reasoning doesn't apply to this one.
So, to the people who want this picture gone: Give me a reasonable explanation as to why and it will vanish.