Scott Hardie | September 20, 2001
The other night I had a dream about Jon Bon Jovi. I had returned to Bradley University and seen some old friends, and most of the dream was about that, but at one point I went to the bookstore in the Peoria mall, and he was there.

JBJ: "Hey, man! How you doin'!"

me: "Uh, fine."

JBJ: "Hey, that's great. So, what's up?"

me: "Uh, not much. I just moved back to town."

JBJ: "Cool, man. Hey, we should hang out sometime."

me: "I guess so. Don't you still owe me money?"

JBJ: "Yeah. I'll pay it back. So, what are you doin' for New Year's?"

me: "I dunno, why?"

JBJ: "Cause we should hang out, man!"

me: "Are you having a party?"

JBJ: "Eh, no. They shut off the power in my apartment."

me: "Oh."

JBJ: "But we could have it at your place."

me: "Maybe. Look, I've got to get going."

And I walked away. He looked like he wanted to ask me if he could borrow a few bucks.

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