Scott Hardie | November 22, 2019
I have multiple reports of weird stuff happening in Rock Block today, stuff that shouldn't even be possible, things like data corruption and unintended forfeits. I'm still researching the problem(s) and it will probably take me well into tonight, maybe tomorrow, to have a resolution. In the meantime, please refrain from playing any turns in concert. I'll comment here when it's fixed. Thanks, and sorry for the trouble.

Scott Hardie | November 23, 2019
I've spent about nine hours on this over two days, and I wish I could say that I had an explanation for these issues. I have some guesses and theories, but nothing that is technologically capable of being confirmed. It's very irritating.

I have replied to all parties who contacted me with the best resolution that I can offer for each problem.

Please resume playing concerts. If you notice anything else strange at all, let me know right away (here in TC, in the concert comments, or in a private message). I will continue working on any further problems that arise.

Thanks for your patience.

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