Scott Hardie | November 30, 2011
Men's Health, that renowned ivory tower of scientific achievement, has published their study of the most depressed cities in America. Technically, the list is ordered to highlight the happiest cities, and Denise can be glad to see Fargo so high on the list. But the closest city to me, St. Petersburg, ranked lowest on the list, making us the saddest people in America.

We ranked lower than Detroit. Detroit.

Even if I considered my home closer to Tampa instead of St. Pete, Tampa is only slightly happier. Sarasota doesn't have quite as severe a housing bust and narcotics problem as those two do, but we do have issues. You know what, this LIST is depressing.

On the other hand, at least we're not St. Louis.

Samir Mehta | November 30, 2011
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